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179.白狐皈依守戒 Letting a white fox take refuge and uphold the precepts
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Letting a white fox take refuge and uphold the precepts

In the spring of 1936, the precepts were transmitted as usual. The Master was ninety-seven. Later, the Chief of State Lin Tzu Ch'ao, House Speaker Chu Cheng, and General Chiang Kai-shek, among others, came to the monastery and lent their aid to the renovation. At that time, the Sixteenth Route Army was garrisoned at Ts'ao Hsi, and its leader, Lin Kuo Keng, brought a white fox to the monastery to be set free. The Master explained to the fox the meaning of taking refuge, and it was released in the mountains. Refusing to leave, it remained in the monastery area like a pet dog. Later on it was injured by a cart, and the Master spoke a verse to cross over its spirit.

The gatha says:
A white fox receiving the Triple Jewel is truly magical,
General Chiang arrived from afar, and was heartily welcomed.
The Master came out to greet his guests,
Shaking hands all around and laughing heartily.

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 地藏经心地法门 第十四集[栏目:圣宇法师]
 相应14经 他心经[栏目:相应部 52.阿那律相应]



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