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185.韦陀示梦发心 An account of gaining determination due to the appearance of Wei Tou Bodhisattva
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An account of gaining determination due to the appearance of Wei T'ou Bodhisattva

In November, Chief of State Lin, among other government officials, sent Upasakas Ch'u Ying Kuang and Chang Tzu Lien to invite the Master to Ch'ung Ch'ing to hold a Dharma assembly for the welfare of the nation. In 1943, the Master was one-hundred-and-four, and various high government officials invited him for meals of pure food. In the third lunar month, he returned to Nan Hua Monastery. Upasaka Cheng Tzu Chia of Ch'ao Chou arrived, and explained that he was a merchant in Hong Kong. When the enemy took the city, he saw a golden armored knight, who pointed out a way for him to escape the besieged city. Now he had come to Nan Hua Monastery, and upon seeing the statue of Wei T'ou Bodhisattva, realized that the one who had helped him escape was none other than Wei T'ou.

The gatha says:
Wei T'ou appeared to Tzu Chia,
Who wished to repay his gratitude.
Making a vow to repair monasteries,
He first helped out the Hai Hui25 Cottage.

25. Sea-Assembly

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上一篇:186.黑龙怪归正法 Allowing a black dragon spirit to turn to the Proper Dharma
下一篇:184.敌机自撞焚毁 Watching enemy aircraft collide and be demolished
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