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198.抵京驻锡广济寺 Arriving at the capital and staying at Kuang Chi Monastery
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Arriving at the capital and staying at Kuang Chi31 Monastery

The Master wrote a verse which says:

The karmic wind arises now and blows me to Wu Ch'ang,
Where my advancing illness and age inveigles everyone else.
Tarrying long for three full months at Three Buddhas Monastery,
I feel embarrassed at all this misery.
I have no desire to surpass the crane32 on a high rooftop;
My vow is that we together ascend the Way Place where Buddhas are selected,
As I ever think of Jade Spring Mountain and General Kuan Chuang Niu33,
Who awakened to the genuine truth at the fall of a single word.

On the twenty-eighth day of the seven lunar month, they took the Peking-Hankow train north to the capital. All of the elders from the monasteries, various Buddhist groups, and others, such as Upasaka Li Jen Ch'ao and Yeh T'ui An, were there to welcome the Master. At first he stayed at Kuang Hua (Vast Influence) Monastery, and then moved to Kuang Chi (Extensive Aid) Monastery.

The gatha says:
The mind of man is in danger during this Dharma-ending age,
But the heart of the Sagely Sanghan's Way was subtle.
He was steeped in a thousand years of merit,
And ten thousand generations will look up to his resplendent light.

31. "Extensive Aid"
32. A symbol of longevity
33. A well-known general of the Three Kingdoms Period in China (A.D. 222-265), who received the Precepts from Great Master Chih Che (Wise One).

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