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天花乱坠 地涌金莲 The Heavens Rain Down Flowers;Golden Lotuses Well Forth from the Earth
{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

The Heavens Rain Down Flowers;
Golden Lotuses Well Forth from the Earth

天花乱坠 地涌金莲

While still in Nanjing, after he left the imperial court, Patriarch Bodhidharma met the Venerable Shen Guang (Spiritual Light), who was lecturing on the Sutras. When Dharma Master Shen Guang explained the Sutras, the heavens rained down flowers, and golden lotuses welled forth from the earth. Heavenly maidens scattered blossoms, and from beneath the earth golden lotuses burst forth. Ah! What a supreme state!


The Patriarch heard about that, and so he also went to observe the Dharma assembly and listen to the Sutra lecture. By then he probably had learned some Chinese and could speak a few sentences. If on the road from Guangzhou to Nanjing, he learned one sentence a day, he would have learned ten sentences in ten days, and a hundred in a hundred days. That Patriarch was very intelligent; he did not have to study to learn Chinese, he just listened.


In Nanjing, he listened to Dharma Master Shen Guang explain a Sutra. Dharma Master Shen Guang was quite pleased by that. "Hah! See how well I lecture the Sutras? Even an Indian has come to listen! Ah! He came from so far away to listen to my lecture. How truly inconceivable!" He felt quite good about it.


{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

上一篇:祖师问难 讲经为何 The Patriarch Asks Him, Why Are You Explaining Sutras?
下一篇:今世果报 饿死台城 Receiving Retribution in This Life, He Starves to Death in the Palace
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