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祖师忍辱 默然而去 Enduring the Insult, The Patriarch Leaves Silently
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祖师忍辱 默然而去

Enduring the Insult,
The Patriarch Leaves Silently


Having broken off two of the Patriarch's teeth, Dharma Master Shen Guang felt that he had won a real victory. Without saying a word, Patriarch Bodhidharma turned around and left. He did not fight back. Not at all! Foreigners are bound to be bullied. After all, he couldn't go to the government and file suit against Dharma Master Shen Guang for knocking out two of his teeth. Those who have left home have to be patient; how much more must a Patriarch forbear! After that happened, he just left and headed toward Henan.

{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

上一篇:鹦鹉知音 问计出笼 A Parrot, Understanding Who He Is,Asks How to Escape the Cage
下一篇:打落牙齿 和血而吞 The Blow Breaks Teeth; He Swallows Them with the Blood
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