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平常心 Normality - 善人与恶人 Virtuous People - Evil People
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Virtue doesn't mean the 5, 8, 10 or 227 precepts because that is the morality of society. Virtue here, has only just one single precept that one must really seriously care for ; to look after the mind, it is morality of the mind.


Whoever looks after virtue doesn't harm oneself or others and has normality of mind, because when the mind is in its normal state, we don't kill, steal, want anything from anybody or commit adultery. When the mind is in its normal state, actions of body and speech also become normal. This kind of person is called one who has virtue, one who has merit. Someone who has merit doesn't destroy truth, because truth is something that turns a person into a Noble one. This Truth already exists in everyone. Truly being a Noble one, is a matter of the mind, it cannot be seen but it really eliminates defilements.


The conventional Sangha means monks according to form, with shaven head and wearing brown robes.Today still a layperson, tomorrow ordained, we call this a conventional monk because they can't yet let go of defilements. Shaving the head and wearing brown robes can't make a person into a monk (Noble one).


Evil people are people that don't have virtue and don't have shame of doing evil. They are envious, jealous etc. This kind of people, as soon as one mentions virtue or Dhamma, they are not interested because their minds are overwhelmed by evil, their minds are full of Lobha, Dosa and Moha. Seeing things that belong to others, they want them, so there is theft, adultery and various kinds of oppression causing distress.



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