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平常心 Normality - 修学阶段 Stages of Practice
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Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段

Determine to listen well, all lay-people and monastic friends. When you determine to pay attention, you'll be able to remember. It is called knowing through memory and comprehension. From that, we study or practice to realize and truly know, or we have knowledge coming from our own vision and experience.


Most people don't yet know and understand from studying and practicing; they only know how to make merit, to be generous, to keep precepts and to do tranquility-meditation. But when it comes to more profound matters, that is to say, how to develop insight-meditation, there are really very few people who know and understand it. With Vipassana it is usually a specific case, a specific individual, who knows and teaches it. Because of this, people are lazy and don't want to practice. As far as practice goes, they only know tranquility-meditation, which they think is the same as doing Vipassana. This is because they still don't realize and really know. Their knowledge comes only through memory and comprehension. So, we make ourselves peaceful; but we don't understand clearly that there are two kinds of peace, namely peace under the influence of delusion and peace due to awareness and wisdom.


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上一篇:平常心 Normality - 非道之道 The Path That Is Not A Path
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