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By investigating Chan and sitting in meditation, we can gain enlightenment
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By investigating Chan and sitting in meditation, we can gain enlightenment

How do we get enlightened? Enlightenment is like unlocking a door that has been restricting our entry and exit. We need a key to unlock that door. Without a key, we will remain locked up in this room forever. So, where is the key? It is right there with you. It is very easy to find. How will you find it? You can do so by investigating Chan and sitting in meditation, or by chanting the Buddhas’ names and holding mantras. Practicing in those ways is equivalent to searching for the key. When will you find it? That depends on your stage of cultivation. If you practice with vigor and fortitude, you will find it very quickly. But if you are lazy and lethargic, you will never find it, not just in this life, but even in future lives you will not find it. This is a very simple principle.

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上一篇:We want to learn how not to be attached to self and others
下一篇:The great functioning of the entire substance is clearly understood
 Sit straight without leaning.
 Cast aside birth and death
 Only quiet contemplation can initia..
 2. What is Chan?
 Go with care. Avoid demonic possess..
 We want to learn how not to be atta..
 Contemplate at ease to find wisdom..
 An Intensive Course
 When sitting in meditation, do not ..
 If you are apart from this, you hav..
全文 标题
 玄奘精神 第13节:第二章 随机而变,智慧胜于机巧(6)[栏目:玄奘精神]



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