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With samadhi power, we need not fear demons
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With samadhi power,
we need not fear demons.

If we can awaken to and understand states as they appear, then we can transcend this mundane world. If we do not awaken and are instead confused by states as they occur, then we may fall so far that we end up in the hells. Cultivators of the spiritual path should not fear the presence of demons. We need only fear that our own concentration power will be insufficient to withstand them. We should realize that demons can help us along. They test us to see whether or not our spiritual skill is genuine and to see whether or not our samadhi power can endure them. If we have skill and samadhi, then no matter what demon comes, it will not be
able to shake us.

{返回 The Chan Hand book 文集}

上一篇:By neither hurrying nor slacking off, we will succeed
下一篇:If we awaken to what we see, we can transcend the mundane world
 2. What is Chan?
 Freedom over birth and death is fre..
 7. Questions and Answers on Chan..
 Go with care. Avoid demonic possess..
 Do not harbor thoughts of hatred an..
 Contemplate at ease to find wisdom..
 By neither hurrying nor slacking of..
 The great functioning of the entire..
 Sitting long brings Chan, which cle..
 5. The States of Chan
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