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The First Twenty Years
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The First Twenty Years

According to the Buddhavamsa commentary, His first twenty years were spent as follows:-

1st Year - Benares
After preaching the Dhammacakka Sutta on the Asalha full-moon day, He spent the first Vassana (Retreat) in the Deer Park at Isipatana, near Benares. Here there was no special building for Him to reside.

2nd, 3rd and 4th Years - Rajagaha
When the Buddha visited King Bimbisara, he offered his Bamboo Grove (Veluvana) to the Buddha and His disciples. This was an ideal solitary place for monks as it was neither too far nor too close to the city. Three rainy seasons were spent in this quiet grove.

5th Year - Vesali
During this year whilst He was residing in the Pinnacled-Hall at Mahavana near Vesali, He heard of the impending death of King Suddhodana and repairing to his death-chamber preached the Dhamma to him. Immediately after he attained Arahantship, for seven days he enjoyed the bliss of Emancipation and passed away.

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下一篇:The Buddha’s Ministry
 The Afternoon Session
 The Buddha’s Greatness
 Where is Kamma?
 His Greatness
 The First Watch
 The Middle Path
 The Forenoon Session
 Where is Nibbána?
 The Noble Eightfold Path
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