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The Doer of Kamma
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The Doer of Kamma

Who is the does of Kamma? Who reaps the fruits of Kamma? Says the Venerable Buddhaghosa in the Visuddhi Magga: -

"No doer is there who does the deed,

Nor is there one who feels the fruit."

In the ultimate sense a Buddhist cannot conceive of any unchanging entity, any being in the form of a Deva, a man, or an animal. These forms are merely the temporary manifestations of the Kammic force. The term "being" is only used for conventional purposes. Strictly speaking what we call "a being" is only composed of mind and matter.

Buddhist believes that there is no actor apart from action, no perceiver apart from perception, no conscious subject behind consciousness.

Volition or will-cetena, is itself the doer of Kamma. Apart from these mental states, there is none to sow and none to reap.

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 The Forenoon Session
 Conversion of Thirty Young Men
 Akusala Kamma
 The Second Council
 The Buddha’s Greatness
 His Conversion to Buddhism
 The Doer of Kamma
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