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让树(自己)成长 Let the Tree Grow
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Let the Tree Grow


The Buddha taught that with things that come about of their own, once you have done your work, you can leave the results to nature, to the power of your accumulated karma. Yet your exertion of effort should not cease. Whether the fruit of wisdom comes quickly or slowly, you cannot force it, just as you cannot force the growth of a tree you have planted. The tree has its own pace. Your job is to dig a hole, water and fertilize it, and protect it from insects. That much is your affair, a matter of faith. But the way the tree grows is up to the tree. If you practice like this, you can be sure all will be well, and your plant will grow.

  佛陀教导说,对於事物的自然生成,只要你尽完你的职责,你便可以将其结果留给自然,留给你所积聚的业的力量。然而,你的精进努力却不应该停止,不论智慧的果实来的快或慢,你都不能去强迫它;正如你不能强迫一颗已种下的树的成长,它毕竟有它自己的步调。你的工作只是去挖洞、浇水和施肥,并预防虫害。你的事情就只是这些 ── 一件要有信心的事情。可是树成长的方式,是它自己的事。如果你这样去练习,可以确定一切都会安好无事,你的树也会继续成长。

Thus, you must understand the difference between your work and the plant's work. Leave the plant's business to the plant, and be responsible for your own. If the mind does not know what it needs to do, it will try to force the plant to grow and flower and give fruit in one day. This is wrong view, a major cause of suffering. Just practice in the right direction and leave the rest to your karma. Then, whether it takes one or one hundred or one thousand lifetimes, your practice will be at peace.


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