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坑洞 Hole
{返回 森林里的一棵树 A Tree in a Forest 文集}




At times it may seem to some of you that I contradict myself when I teach, but the way I teach is very simple. It is as if I see someone coming down a road he isn't familiar with but which I have traveled on many times before. I look up and see him about to fall into a hole on the right-hand side of the road, so I call out to him to go left. Likewise, if I see someone else about to fall into a hole on the left, I call out to him to go right. The instructions are different, but I teach them to travel in the same direction on the same road. I teach them to let go of both extremes and come back to the center where they will arrive at the true Dhamma.

{返回 森林里的一棵树 A Tree in a Forest 文集}

上一篇:房子 House
下一篇:手 Hand
 汤杓子 Ladle
 枝与根 Twigs and Root
 刺 Thorn
 鱼笼 Fish Trap
 果实 Fruit Tree
 刀子 Knife
 狼狗 Jackal
 木材 Lumber
 树叶 Leaves
 旅行家 Traveler
全文 标题
 天台佛学 第一章 天台佛学与西方哲学比较研究 三、从西方的泛神论看天台宗湛然的“无情有性”说[栏目:曾其海教授]
 《普贤行愿品》偈颂 讲记 1[栏目:果平法师]
 大乘百法明门论讲记 第五节 心不相应行法[栏目:广超法师]
 应被见 (节译)[栏目:巴利语佛经选译]



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