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29.乌龟医生 Doctor Turtle
{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}


  There was an uproar in the kitchen. "Grab it! Stick it back in the wok!"
  When Huang Dehuan heard the noise, he thought something must be wrong,so he ran in to see. He saw a turtle crawling along the floor. It looked pitiful.Huang asked the cooks why they were making such a fuss about one little turtle.
  "We were cooking this turtle for you, sir. We lifted the lid of the wok to see if it was done, and it held the lid and climbed out. Its back has been scalded, and it can just move its head and legs. It scared us."
  Huang Dehuan told the cooks to take the turtle to a river and let it go. He made up his mind never to torture another animal for food. He became a vegetarian right then and there.
  Years later, Huang had a very bad fever. His family took him to the river bank where the cool breezes might make him feel more comfortable.  

  One night he felt something climb up onto his body. He immediately felt cool all over, and felt very happy.
  When the sun came up, he felt a bit cold. His chest felt much better. He looked down and saw that his chest was covered with mud. There was a turtle sitting by his bed. When it saw Huang was awake, the turtle nodded to him three times and crawled out of his room.  

  That day, Huang got out of his bed. His fever was gone. Then his family told him how close he had been to death. The doctor said that if the turtle hadn't come to cool him down, he would have died.  

  Huang told his family how important it was not to kill animals. He eventually lived to the ripe old age of 80, and Finally died peacefully without any illness or pain.

29. 乌龟医生


  黄德欢听到喧闹声,心想一定是出了什么事了,便赶紧跑进去。他看到一只乌龟正在地上爬。 它看起来好可怜。黄于是问厨子,为什么它们为了这么一只小乌龟大动干戈。



  当太阳升起来以后,他觉得有点凉意,胸部舒服多了。他往下一看,发现他的胸膛上盖满了泥土,有一只龟趴在 床边 。当它看到黄醒来后,乌龟向他点了三次头,爬出房屋。



{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}

上一篇:30.打跑老虎的鸡 The Chickens That Fought Off A Tiger
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