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当前栏目:[Ven. Master Hsuan Hua]文集

 Using Electrotherapy to Clean the Air 阅读:1654
 White Universe 阅读:1423
 The Door of Mindfulness of the Buddha 阅读:1537
 Pure Land Dharma Talks 阅读:1533
 Guanyin, Guanyin, Guanshryin 阅读:1522
 The Land of Ultimate Bliss Is Right Before Our Eyes 阅读:1578
 A Sure Sign of the Proper Dharma 阅读:1450
 The Tremendous Energy of Righteousness 阅读:1482
 Energies for Peace 阅读:1441
 The Shurangama Mantra: The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth 阅读:1480
 The Shurangama Sutra is the Essence of All Sutras 阅读:1602
 The Ten Dharma Realms Are Not Beyond A Single Thought 阅读:1533
 The Dharma Realm of Buddhas 阅读:1405
 The Dharma Realm of Bodhisattvas 阅读:1607
 The Dharma Realm of Those Enlightened to Conditions 阅读:1541
 The Dharma Realm of Hearers 阅读:1501
 The Dharma Realm of Gods 阅读:1465
 The Dharma Realm of Asuras 阅读:1546
 The Dharma Realm of People 阅读:1429
 The Dharma Realm of Animals 阅读:1390

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