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当前栏目:[The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipata]文集

 The Dhammapada - Title Page 阅读:2413
 The Dhammapada - Contents 阅读:2126
 The Dhammapada - Introduction 阅读:3521
 The Dhammapada - Chapter I. The Twin-Verses. 阅读:2495
 The Dhammapada - Chapter II. On Earnestness. 阅读:2187
 The Dhammapada - Chapter III. Thought. 阅读:2090
 The Dhammapada - Chapter IV. Flowers. 阅读:2134
 The Dhammapada - Chapter V. The Fool. 阅读:2020
 The Dhammapada - Chapter VI. The Wise Man (Pandita). 阅读:2076
 The Dhammapada - Chapter VII. The Venerable (Arhat). 阅读:2093
 The Dhammapada - Chapter VIII. The Thousands. 阅读:2004
 The Dhammapada - Chapter IX. Evil. 阅读:2006
 The Dhammapada - Chapter X. Punishment. 阅读:2105
 The Dhammapada - Chapter XI. Old Age. 阅读:1990
 The Dhammapada - Chapter XII. Self. 阅读:1841
 The Dhammapada - Chapter XIII. The World. 阅读:2080
 The Dhammapada - Chapter XIV. The Buddha (The Awakened). 阅读:2026
 The Dhammapada - Chapter XV. Happiness. 阅读:1958
 The Dhammapada - Chapter XVI. Pleasure. 阅读:2088
 The Dhammapada - Chapter XVII. Anger. 阅读:2027

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