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当前栏目:[宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks]文集

 可不可以抽烟? Is smoking allowed? 阅读:2763
 受五戒的重要性 The importance of receiving the five precepts 阅读:3115
 受五戒的好处 The benefits of receiving the five precepts 阅读:2703
 学佛法没有什么利益? Is there no benefit in studying the Buddhadharma? 阅读:2520
 不受戒是真「自由」吗? Will not receiving precepts give you true freedom? 阅读:2423
 破戒怎么办?What if I break the precepts? 阅读:2876
 老修行的故事 The story of an old cultivator 阅读:2566
 文殊菩萨的宝珠 ManjusHri Bodhisattvas Precious Pearl 阅读:2484
 不要做自己的辩护律师 Dont act as your own defense attorney 阅读:2596
 什么是净戒? What are PURE precepts? 阅读:2658

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