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教育破产道德坏 谁大谁小伦常乖 Education Is Bankrupt, Morality Has Collapsed Human Relationships Are All Out of Order
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教育破产道德坏 谁大谁小伦常乖
Education Is Bankrupt, Morality Has Collapsed Human Relationships Are All Out of Order
Extracted From The Venerable Master Hua's Talk at The International Translation Institute on December 30, 1992
寂灭记录 Transcribed by Ji Mye
有的人说呀!今天令我听得大失所望,什么原因呢?我是来听佛法,怎讲这些不干净的事情?这是真正的佛法,你要把人伦尽好了,然后才可以成佛。没有一个不忠、不孝、不仁、不义的人,可以成佛的。所以你们各位「君子务本,本立而道生。孝悌也者,其为人之本欤!」所以现在的人还都不知觉,还是在那儿向外驰求。没有人真正想要修行的,连出家的和尚都尽打淫欲的妄想,你说这个是 terrible!
Na Mwo Sa Dan Two Su Chye Dwo Ye E La He Di San Myau San Pu Two Sye. (3x)
Poor and Unburdened, Who Am I?
Today I'm telling you this true principle, which is that in cultivating the Tao, one can relinquish everything. If you do not want anything, and you put everything down, this is very good. However, there are still some people who can neither put down wealth, nor sex, nor fame. Wealth is just profit! They cannot let go of fame and profit, so their cultivation is going fine, but then as soon as they see these three things, they collapse. They fall over. All their previous effort is wasted. Ah! Some die over wealth, some die over sex, and some die over fame. If you no longer want wealth and no longer want sex, then you want fame! Everywhere you hang out this really big sign, afraid that people will not know your name. All of you should pay attention to this point. Any left-home person who is greedy for wealth is not reliable. One who is greedy for sex is also unreliable. One who is greedy for fame is also unreliable. This means that you must have the Dharma-selecting Eye to recognize these three types of people.
The Three Wheels Emptied, Who Are You?
Also, I say to you, do not create offense karma within Buddhism. How would you create offense karma within Buddhism? For instance, you see a Bhikshu, a monk who is cultivating really hard, reciting the Buddha's name day after day, or maybe he's reciting the Sutras everyday, or upholding mantras everyday. He's cultivating from morning to night, and you're always watching him, so that over time your feelings grow, and you become fond of him. Once that happens, you will want to make offerings to this Dharma Master. But as soon as you make offerings and create affinities, what happens? This spiteful retribution is sowed. You say, "I make offerings to left-home people in order to plant good roots! How is it that the seeds of spiteful retribution have been sowed instead?" It's because you are making offerings out of affection. You are fond of this person, and you want to please him so you make offerings to him. Consequently, although he was cultivating very hard, as soon as you have this false thought about him, what happens? He doesn't cultivate anymore! Because there is electricity which runs between people. Didn't Gwo Jen just mention this? It is just like negative electricity and positive electricity. You cannot see this negative and positive electricity, but once they are invisibly connected, the lamp will light up. What does the lighting up of the lamp represent? The emergence of that false thought, which tells you that this girl is quite good-looking, very pretty, and that monk is also very handsome and attractive. Ah, as soon as this thought arises, what happens? They start to draw near each other. When they come together, this monk is ruined. Perhaps you want to invite him to live alone in a hut, and you build a small temple for him. If he lives there by himself, it will certainly be all over for him. This is just sending him to his death! This is asking for his life! That's why I first said that this is not a kind of love, but rather a kind of harm. It is mutually harmful.
I say that it's wrong for men and women to be like this, but why are there are still so many people who want to get married? As soon as they grow to the point that they have a little bit of awareness, girls want to find boyfriends, and boys want to pursue girlfriends. In the colleges now, if a college student doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, all the other students think that person is a freak. The trend is that bad. If you don't use contraceptives, you're also considered a freak. At this point, it really becomes ineffable and inexpressible! I cannot bear to continue talking about it.
The Morality of the World Is Declining Everyday
This is just how it is in the world now. Money and sex have confused people to the point that they can no longer tell east, west, south and north. Nor do they know the loftiness of the heavens and the greatness of the earth. They no longer care about their parents, and are self-opinionated. Do you believe this? You ask, "Is it wrong to find a mate?" You have to follow the proper procedures. "Men marry at thirty, and maidens at twenty." These are the rules of propriety fixed by the sages of old. You cannot find a mate too early. If you have a mate when you're still very young, it will be harmful to you. It's just like harvesting and cutting the young sprouts before they have a chance to grow and ripen. When you take them back to thresh, they are ruined and unusable. Thus, "When a man and his wife dwell together, this is the greatest of moral obligations." This is the beginning of moral duty, "The way of a gentleman begins with the relationship of husband and wife." In seeking a spouse, one must respect one's parents' arrangements and the matchmaker's words. One cannot blindly search for a mate, and just get married, then have an argument and get divorced. And after the divorce, one looks for a second mate, and then a third one. This kind of situation continues on and on, without cease.
"The way of a gentleman begins with the relationship of husband and wife." If you are mutually kind and respectful, treating one another like guests, then your offspring will also surely be good children. If you and your spouse quarrel everyday, then your children will surely be problem kids. If you get divorced even after you have children, so that these children become fatherless or motherless, they will all turn into problem kids."As morality declines, there is no longer a father and son relationship." The human relationships are all out of course, and morality is lost. The morality of the world is declining everyday, going downhill.
Some people say, "Today I have been greatly disappointed in coming to listen. For what reason? I came to hear the Buddhadharma. Why are we talking about these filthy matters?" This is the true Buddhadharma, you must fulfill your moral obligations as people, and only then can you become a Buddha. There is no person who is dishonest, unfilial, inhumane, and unrighteous, and yet can become a Buddha. So, all of you, "A gentleman tends to the root, once the root is established, the Tao arises. Are not filiality and brotherhood the root of humanity?" People nowadays are still not aware, and are still there seeking externally. Nobody really wants to cultivate, even monks who have left home still keep having false thoughts of lust. Wouldn't you say this is terrible!
If You Do Not Do the Meal Offering, You Should Not Eat
Today you asked me to go upstairs to eat together with all of you, and I said I didn't have the right to eat your food here, because I didn't take part in the Meal Offering Ceremony! The few people who did take part in the Meal Offering did so reluctantly, but actually they don't want to do it either. Then when it's time to eat, they fight to come eat. Isn't that how it is? No? Well, then I have falsely accused you. If the Old Man of Mount Wei didn't work for a day, then he wouldn't eat that day. If I do not do the Meal Offering one day, then I will not eat that day. This is something very ordinary. You all should follow this, and those who do not perform the Meal Offering should not eat.
So today I saw that the women were performing the Meal Offering, and you all were sitting there with me, staring at me. I do not know if you can get full by staring at me. As left-home people, if you do not even perform the Meal Offering, just what are you all up to? Why didn't you come do the Meal Offering today? Is it because I held you up? Because I was here, when it was time to do the Meal Offering, you all just stared at me, and thought that was equivalent to performing the Meal Offering, right? Ah! This is really too much- I cannot tell you how confused you are. Okay!

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