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Rinpoche’s Feb 2010 Losar address

So, 2009 is over and 2010 just started. Actually already the month has gone. Month of January is gone. Losar is in a few days time. I believe that many of us, given the situation that we live in this volatile world, situation and environment, that we have survived up to now is something we should appreciate. Of course it is much easier said than done. Some of us have gone through rough time, losing our family members and of course the very unsettling, the situation of financial crisis. As in the tradition, I guess New Year greeting is supposedly to wish everyone happiness, success, to wish you all luck!  But I can’t help myself but to share my thoughts, as someone who is trained to be a Buddhist teacher. Not necessarily these messages are coming from practice or realization but years and years of receiving lots of teachings from great many masters.

Having built a habit of repeating these messages again and again, here, once again, I should remind everyone, myself included, that life is so fragile. As a samsaric being everything is so uncertain, we are very much under the influence and the power of cause and conditions. Of course we would very much like to have things under our control and according to how we plan and how we expect. Normally even if we manage to achieve maybe 25% of what we plan and schedule, if it comes true, I would say it is cause of celebration but, we are kind of very greedy which is so blind, that things have to come as how we wish and how we plan. How many times we ended up brooding ourselves!

But there is a big difference between ordinary people, those who have no connection to the dharma, and us. Of course there is no difference between them and us as far as being the victim of cause and conditions and karma and everything. But there’s one difference and I think that difference is quite a valuable and important difference, that is, we have a path. We have Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, we have our masters and we have our path. And that, that alone will make the difference, has to make the difference and that alone is our sanctuary. That alone should be the sanctuary, because if we don’t have that then we just have this ordinary life like all the others who really work so hard to achieve. And even we manage to achieve quite a lot, we are just not satisfied. We are just not satisfied. We are just so insatiable. We still have long, solid plans to live and live happily forever, and live as how we plan.

And in that,if we lose this aspect of Dharma, then really, our life is meaningless. It’s just like a plant. Some of these plants, they grow in the morning and then they will die towards the afternoon. And then that’s it, that’s the end. Values such as morality,ethic,love and compassion,values such as bodhicitta…if we lose these values, then our life really has no meaning. And this is, if you like, something that, including myself, in our New Year, if you like, you can call it new year resolution.  This is something that we have to really remember:  that we have the Dharma, we have Buddha, Dharma and sangha, and that is so important to even remember that. Even if we may not be able to practice, and put the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha into practice at all times, to remember that we have this,and this is something we should not lose,we should not just discard,we should not just forget.This is something that we should from time to time remember.That kind of attitude and that kind of approach is really necessary.

Many of us are now getting old, many of us have seen a lot, many of us have really tried to build this castle again and again.  And some of us maybe even, relatively speaking, reached to certain amount of success, but none of this is going to really give us the essential value that will last and benefit oneself and others.  So if you, if people want me to say a few words as a New Year message, and my message is, to remember that we have something, we have a path, we have Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, and that makes our life so special.  This is something to remember.  I request, I hope and have aspiration that we all remember.

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