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The Buddha and Prince Rahula
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The Buddha and Prince Rahula

On the seventh day after His arrival in Kapilavatthu Princess Yasodhara dressed up Rahula and pointing to the Buddha said:

"Behold, son, that great ascetic of majestic appearance. He is your father. Go up to Him and ask for your inheritance."

Young Rahula came to His presence, and asking for his inheritance, as advised by his mother, very affectionately said:

"O ascetic, even your shadow is pleasing to me."

After the noon meal he followed the Buddha uttering much else that was becoming. Nobody attempted to stop him. Nor did the Buddha prevent him from following Him. On arrival at the park the Buddha summoned the Venerable Sariputta and said:

"Rahula asks me for his inheritance. I shall give him the seven-fold noble wealth, which I received at the foot of the Bodhi tree, and make him owner of an inheritance transcending this world. Ordain him, Sariputta."

Rahula, who was then only seven years of age, was admitted into the Order. King Suddhodana was deeply grieved to hear of this unexpected ordination of his beloved grandson. He came to the Buddha and humbly requested Him not to ordain any one without the prior consent of his parents.

The Buddha granted the request.

There are several instructive discourses preached specifically to the Venerable Rahula. Having come of age, he received the Higher Ordination and attained Arahantship in due time.

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