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9 -Evil (Dh.116-128) 九、恶品
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9 -Evil (Dh.116-128)

116. Hasten to do good and restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delightsin evil. 117. Should a person commit evil, let him not do it again and again. Let him not find pleasure therein, for painful is the accumulation ofevil.

strenuous︰费劲的,费力的。 accumulation︰累积物,累积物。




118. Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good. 119. It may be well with the evil-doer as long as the evil ripens not, but when it does ripen, then the evil-doer sees (the painful results of) his evil deeds. 120. It may be ill with the doer of good as long as the good ripens not. But when it does ripen, then the doer of good sees (the pleasant results of) his good deeds. 121. Think not lightly of evil, saying, “It will not come to me.” 不要以为 ‘只有我的儿子死 ’。所有的有情都会死,众生的意图尚未满足 之前,死王就以大洪水完全的卷入,丢进大海。」佛陀接着说偈颂 (v.287) 吉离舍瞿昙弥就证得须陀洹果。之后,吉离舍瞿昙弥出家,某日观察油灯 火焰,想︰「一切有情生生死死,只有证得涅槃才不出现 (生死 )。」以此作 所缘,证得阿拉汉果。 A.1.14./I,25.︰「持麤衣者,是翅舍憍答弥 (Kisagotami)。」《增壹阿含 5.1经》(T2.558.3)︰「十一限碍 (头陀 ),所谓 机梨舍瞿昙弥比丘尼是。」吉离舍瞿昙弥比丘尼另一则偈颂见 287偈。



Drop by drop is the water pot filled; likewise, the fool, gathering it little by little, fills himself with evil.

122. Think not lightly of good, saying, “It will not come to me.” Drop by drop is the water pot filled; likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good. 123. Just as a trader with a small escort and great wealth would avoid a perilous route, or just as one desiring to live avoids poison, even so should one shun evil. escort︰n.护卫,护送,陪同。 perilous︰a.危险的,冒险的。


〈119~ 120〉 119恶业未成熟,恶者以为乐。恶业成熟时,恶者方见恶。 120善业未成熟,善人以为苦。善业成熟时,善人始见善。


1曾经供养大迦叶尊者的女人,死后生忉利天,天女会单独来经精舍为尊 者服务,尊者认为不恰当。天女就在哭泣,被佛陀听到,佛陀说︰「天 女!我的儿子大迦叶是作防护的考量,而那些热望作福者认为 ‘这是我们 的利益 ’--考量了作福的受惠,作福则来世是快乐的。」 莫轻于小︰ Mappamabbetha: 1. Ma+appamabbetha莫轻视。

2.Ma+appa+mabbetha莫想少。 亦可满水瓶,愚夫盈其恶,少许少许积。1

122莫轻于小善!谓「我不招报」,须知滴水落, 亦可满水瓶,智者完其善,少许少许积。


124. If on the hand there is no wound, one may even carry poison in it. Poison does not affect one who is free from wounds. For him who does no evil, thereis no ill. 125. Like fine dust thrown against the wind, evil falls back upon thatfoolwho offends an inoffensive, pureand guiltless man. 126. Some are born in the womb; the wicked are born in hell; the devout gotoheaven; thestainless pass into Nibbana. 127. Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean, nor by entering into 1有位比丘每次从精舍拿椅、凳使用后,就把它留在外面,任日晒雨淋。 其他比丘责备他的粗心大意时,他就反驳:「这只是小事,而且我又不 是故意的。」所以,他依然故我。佛陀知道他的习性后,就告诫他。


3舍卫城有一位摩诃达那富商 (Mahadhanavanija),一群抢匪计划抢劫他, 却苦无下手机会,当他们打听到摩诃达那将装满贵重商品的五百车子外 出时,就先在路上埋伏。摩诃达那抵达抢匪躲藏的森林外围时,准备停 留几天之后再上路。这些抢匪知道后,就准备动手抢劫。摩诃达那知道 之后,便决定折回,抢匪探听到车队要返回,就埋伏回去的路上。这时 候,摩诃达那得到通风报信,就改变主意,决定在村子里停留几天,同 行的众多比丘因此就先回舍卫城,并向佛陀报告此事。佛陀说出此偈。

mountain clefts, nowhere in the world is there a place where one mayescape fromtheresults of evil deeds.

128. Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean, nor by entering into mountain clefts, nowhere in the world is there a place where one will notbe overcome by death.
124假若无有疮伤手,可以其手持毒药。毒不能患无伤手。 不作恶者便无恶。


1某日早上,猎人可可 (Koka)去打猎。在路上,他遇见一位比丘正在托钵。 他认为这是不祥的预兆,当天,他真的什幺也没猎到。回程,他又遇到 那位比丘托钵回来。他一时愤怒,就放猎狗追咬比丘,还好这比丘跑得 快,爬上树,猎狗咬不到他,猎人就用弓箭头去刺他的脚底,比丘疼痛, 无法拉住袈裟,袈裟就滑落下来,正好罩在树下的猎人。群狗以为比丘 掉下来,便扑上去狂咬,猎人因此被狗咬死。比丘疑惑他是否有破沙门 戒体(samanabhavo),佛陀说:「你没破沙门戒体,不须为猎人的死负责。」

126有人生于母胎中,作恶者则堕地狱,正直之人升天界, 漏尽者证入涅槃。

127非于虚空及海中,亦非入深山洞窟,欲求逃遁恶业者, 世间实无可觅处。

128非于虚空及海中,亦非入深山洞窟,欲求不为死魔制, 世间实无可觅处。

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上一篇:10 -Violence (Dh.129-145) 十、刀杖品
下一篇:8 -TheThousands (Dh.100-115) 八、千品
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 12 -TheSelf (Dh.157-166) 十二、自己品..
 6-TheWiseMan (Dh.76-89) 六、智者品
 25 -TheMonk (Dh.360-382) 二十五、比丘品..
 13 -TheWorld (Dh.167-178) 十三、世品..
 20 -ThePath(Dh.273-289) 二十、道品
 4-Flower (Dh.44-59) 四、华品
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