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16 -Affection(Dh.209-220) 十六、喜爱品
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16 -Affection(Dh.209-220)

209. Giving himself to things to be shunned and not exerting where exertion is needed, a seeker after pleasures, having give uphis true welfare, envies those intent upontheirs. 210. Seek no intimacy with the beloved and also not with the unloved, for not to see the beloved and to see the unloved, both are painful.


〈209~ 211〉 209专事不当事,不事于应修,弃善.趋爱欲,却羡自勉者2。

1佛陀般涅槃前,在毗舍离附近的鞞罗柧村(Veluvagamake)雨安居。那时 候,他身染血痢(lohitapakkhandikabadha,《诸病源候论》︰「血痢者, 热毒折受于血,血渗入大肠故也。」 )。帝释亲自前来照顾佛陀,直到佛 陀身体好转。众多比丘受到感动,佛陀说出此偈。

2白话中译:做不该做的事,不做该做的事,执取欲乐而舍弃善法,而妒 嫉精进者的成就。

210莫结交爱人,莫结不爱人。不见爱人苦,见憎人亦苦。 211是故莫爱着,爱别离为苦。若无爱与憎,彼即无羁缚。1


213. From affection springs grief, from affection springs fear. For him who is wholly free from affection there is no grief, whence then fear? 214. From attachment springs grief, from attachment springs fear. For him who is wholly free from attachment there is no grief, whence then fear? 215. From lust springs grief, from lust springs fear. For him who is wholly free fromlust thereis no grief, whence then fear. 216.From craving springs grief, from craving springs fear. For him who is wholly free from craving there is no grief, whence then fear?

217. People hold dear him who embodies virtue and insight, who is principled, has realized the Truth, and who himself does 1舍卫城一独子,没有得到父母许可就去出家。他的父母因为恋子而出家。 他们都住在同一精舍。佛陀说偈告诫他们。 2一位富翁丧子,过度伤心,到火葬场 (ala hanam)去哭,无法控制。佛陀 说偈安慰他。

what he ought tobe doing.

218. One who is intent upon the Ineffable (Nibbana) and dwells with mind inspired (by supramundane wisdom), and is no more bound by sense pleasures – such a man is called “One Bound Upstream”. embody︰v.体现,使具体化。 ineffable︰a. n.难以形容。 One Bound Upstream︰a Non-returner(anagami)(不来果 (阿那含 )).






1毘舍佉优婆夷 (Visakha)的孙女苏达坦 (Sudatta)死亡,佛陀说偈安慰她。

2王舍城中某婆罗门,他是邪见者,某日他去河岸边耕作,佛陀见到他知 道他具有不久即可证果的潜能。婆罗门见到佛陀不尊崇,保持缄默。佛 陀首先开口聊起来,之后,佛陀都主动跟他打招呼。这婆罗门十分友善, 他也很感谢佛陀的关心。他向佛陀说:「等我田里的稻米成熟后,我会 在收成之后,先分一些给你,我不会在分给你之前,先吃这些米饭。从 现在起,你是我的好朋友。」但佛陀预知他今年不可能有收成,所以不 发一言。在收成的前一天,下大雨,毁掉他的稻米。婆罗门因为无法如 愿送佛陀米粮而难过。佛陀去找他,安慰他。佛陀说此偈。


4一个节庆,佛陀跟众多比丘前往王舍城托钵。沿途,他们遇见几位手上 都提着糕饼篮子的孩子,他们向佛陀问讯,但却没有供养糕饼。佛陀告诉其他比丘等一等,在路边树下休息。这时候,迦叶尊者从后面赶来, 这些孩子一见到迦叶尊者,马上流露出高兴的表情,他们向尊者问讯, 并且供养糕饼。迦叶尊者对他们说:「我的老师──佛陀和众多比丘就 在树下休息,去供养他们吧。」这些孩子就去供养佛陀。佛陀说:「比 丘若像迦叶尊者一般,天人都会喜爱,也会得到四事供养。」


219. When, after a long absence, a man safely returns home from afar, his relatives, friends and well-wishers welcome him home onarrival. 220. As kinsmen welcome a dear one on arrival, even so his own good deeds will welcome the doer of good who has gone from this world tothe next.

1离言法:anakkhate (于未宣布)。DhA.:A AAAAn nnnnak akakakakk kkkkh hhhha aaaat tttte eeeeti nibbane.(于未宣布:于 涅槃)。

2上流人:uddhamsoto,向上流去的人,即会生于第四禅的五净居天的阿 那含圣者。

223. Overcome the angry by non-anger; overcome the wicked by goodness; overcome the miser by generosity; overcome the liar by truth. 224. Speak the truth; yield not to anger; when asked, give even if you only have a little. By these three means can one reach the presence of thegods. renounce︰v.抛弃。 reins︰n.腰

〈219~ 220〉 219久客异乡者,自远处安归,亲友与知识,欢喜而迎彼。 220造福亦如是,从此生彼界,福业如亲友,以迎爱者来。1

1有一次,难提耶(Nandiyo)优婆塞听佛陀说,盖精舍给比丘住有大利益, 于是他就在波罗奈仙人堕处概一间精舍献给佛陀。大目犍连到忉利天 时,见到天上有一间难提耶的天宫。《天宫事》 (Vv.PTS:#862.)︰「在波 罗奈,有名为难提耶的优婆塞,不悭贪,慷慨的施主。在人群如太阳辉 耀,住在天宫者即此是此人。」

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上一篇:17 -Anger (Dh.221-234) 十七、忿怒品
下一篇:15 -Happiness (Dh.197-208) 十五、乐品
 6-TheWiseMan (Dh.76-89) 六、智者品
 21 -Miscellaneous (Dh.290-305) 二十一、..
 5-TheFool (Dh.60-75) 五、愚品
 10 -Violence (Dh.129-145) 十、刀杖品..
 26 -TheHolyMan(Dh.383-423) 二十六、婆罗门品..
 14 -TheBuddha (Dh.179-196) 十四、佛陀品..
 11 -OldAge (Dh.146-156) 十一、老品
 18 -Impurity (Dh.235-255) 十八、垢秽品..
 1-ThePairs(Dh.1-20) 一、双品
 12 -TheSelf (Dh.157-166) 十二、自己品..
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