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  To every individual practitioner, or those who have interest in the Dharma, it is very important right from the beginning to check and watch one’s own mind. This is the first and foremost step in the progressive stages of Dharma practice, like learning the basic course of any language. We start with the alphabet, whether it’s English or Hindi or whatever. That too should then follow a systematic course of discipline. It’s the same for every form of study right from the beginning. Thereafter one moves on progressively to higher and further practices and studies. After having completed the basic courses one then proceeds on to more and broader learning and practices.


  Then again, one should always keep the mind and body in a relaxed and peaceful way. The pacification of mind is important because we all live in a busy and crowded society. We all tend to have somewhat distracted minds full of various conceptual thoughts and perceptions. This makes it difficult for us to recognize the inherent true nature of the mind and so we become unable to differentiate the conceptual thoughts and the true nature of the mind. Thus we can not control our conceptual thinking nor lessen the passions and our negative thoughts.


  Once we have subdued wrong conceptual thinking by pacifying the mind then we will recognize the nature of the mind. Every practice then becomes right.


  As was said before, we should always judge ourselves more than we should judge other. The true improvement of one’s practice and conduct will be through checking for one’s own defects, faults and short comings.


  It is very usual that most individuals have the habit of judging others rather than judging one’s own mind and actions.  This is actually wrong and won’t help us to progress. So, in brief always judge yourself and your mind as this will improve your practice and you will also be able to recognize the true nature of your mind as well as be of help to others

  在平息心念、令心安住之后,  就叫做“息内”或定静,也就是“止”。你应该运用观呼吸的方法来做“止”─(梵语:奢摩他)的修练。

  So after subduing the mind and making the mind stable then this is called Shiney or Calm Abiding (Samatha) and with this practice of Shiney you should do the practice of counting the inhalation and exhalation of the breath..

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