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口红 A Lipstick
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A Lipstick


An article in a magazine says: A woman worker spent 300 yuan out of her 500 yuan monthly income just to buy a brand-name lipstick. When I chanced upon this news, I sighed deeply. Leaving aside the issue of how she will manage her other expenses for the month, to pay such an exorbitant price for this kind of item is senseless.


I have never appreciated the wearing of heavy makeup or fancy outfits, as has been said: “As from clear limpid water emerges the impeccable lotus flower, a natural beauty does not need any polishing,” and: “No scented ointments overlaying it, no coat of leaden powder applied. Such is the true face of a real beauty.” If 300 yuan can be squandered on a mere lipstick, wouldn’t it be better to spend it on, say, releasing live beings, Dharma offerings, or even buying books? Remember: Perfectly sculpted faces or polished jade in this world are all destined to disintegrate. No matter how you make yourself the fairest beauty of all—cloud-bank coiffure rising steeply, long eyebrows delicately arched, red lips appearing so lustrously, white teeth gleaming within—all will erode as time goes by. There is no avoiding that rosy checks will turn into a dry and wrinkled face and the once-ebony hair into a frosty mess. Ouyang Xiu in the “Ode to the Autumn Sound” laments: “Rosy facial features become faded and black hair turns hoary.” In the very end, nothing will be left except a pile of gristle and bone.


Anyone with wisdom should avoid turning oneself into “gold and jade on the outside, rot and decay on the inside”—that is, an elaborately embroidered pillowcase only. The grandest ornament comes only from cultivating one’s virtuous qualities and gaining wisdom. Devoting oneself to the study, reflection, and meditation on Dharma is better than wasting time and money on outward refinements. Who wouldn’t feel a sense of reverence toward monks or nuns whose every act demonstrates elegance and appropriateness? Who would think a loving and kind elderly person with wrinkled skin and white hair an eyesore? The only unfailing beauty is the one that emerges from realizing the true nature through Dharma practice. It is so sad that people in this world still can’t distinguish real beauty from the fake; how I would like to tell them: “Give up meaningless embellishments, seek only true beauty!”


14th of April, Year of RenWu
May 24, 2002

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