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烤肉 Barbecuing Meat
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Barbecuing Meat



I once heard about a new way of cooking meat that completely dumbfounded me. This special way of grilling meat, allegedly invented by some Japanese, involved first securely tying the condemned animal so that it could not move, and then smacking its butt forcefully with a wooden plank until the butt became swollen and red from expanded capillaries. The plasma-rich meat was then sliced for barbecuing, guaranteed to be extremely tender and juicy with no comparison. The person describing this got all excited and dwelled upon it with great relish, as if he had sniffed the sweet odor wafting from the grill. I could imagine those epicures wolfing down the roasted meat with great gusto, their faces blazed with satiation and high spirit. But had they considered the utter misery of the poor cow?


“Who can say other creatures’ lives are low or worthless? They too have flesh, bones, and feelings. I exhort you to refrain from killing birds in nests in trees. The baby birds there are waiting for their mother to come home.” Will this poem, written by Bai Juyi, awaken the numbed, unfeeling hearts?


All creatures, even those regarded as inferior by humans, have sense organs, mates, offspring, and loved ones. How can these people lack the slightest sympathy? And be aware that the principle of cause and effect, a truism since ancient times, is always infallible. People just act without giving any thought to the consequences they’ll soon face upon death. Aren’t they foolish!


I absolutely don’t mean to put down the Japanese who thought of the barbecuing method. But this kind of invention is regrettable, to say the least. Why are humans constantly at war with each other throughout history? Why does the tragedy of killing one another have to repeat itself? The saying goes: “Should you seek the clue for catastrophes of human bloodshed, just listen to the wails coming out from the slaughterhouse at midnight.” What we are experiencing now is nothing but the combined effects of all our past actions. There is no foul consequence without past misdeeds in previous lives. One reaps only what one has sown; therefore no one has the right to complain about fate. But alas, when will these vicious cycles of seeking revenge on each other ever end? I feel so affected by these issues that I have to write them down even if hurriedly here. May people in the world come to a clear understanding of these principles!


14th of April, Year of RenWu
May 26, 2002

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