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时代 Life’s Junctures
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Life’s Junctures


Oh dear, stop being lazy, shape up and do the translation!


Making myself a cup of jasmine tea, I picked up a pen and turned the pages of the scripture. However, instead of translating, my mind began to play out scenes of my life one by one.


The time as a shepherd boy: With white clouds sailing in the blue sky over stretches of green field, I ran around barefooted with other boys, singing happily. We had hundreds of yaks as our close friends and we enjoyed ourselves to our heart’s content, rolling over the vast undulating terrain.


The time as a schoolboy: I was like Ali Baba who stumbled upon the secret cave where 40 bandits had been hiding their treasures. Carrying my book pack, I walked into school with my classmates and collected heartily many jewels in the chamber of knowledge.


The time as a monk studying and contemplating: Donned in a monk’s robe and in the company of thousands of spiritual friends, I came under the care of our Guru. We studied and contemplated sutras and shastras; we surfed in the vast ocean of sacred Dharma, purifying the obscurations of our bodies and minds.


The time as a translator: As fate would have it, opportune connections were made with many Han people. Keenly wishing to share with them the precious treasures of Tibetan Buddhist teachings, I determined to translate its essence into Chinese. With pen in hand I buried myself in the scriptures, spending numerous days and nights delving deeply into my thoughts and racking my brain.


Now it should be my time to enter into the practice phase. When Master Atisha arrived in Tibet, he asked Rinchen Riwo’s help to translate. The veteran translator replied: “Can’t you see my hair is turning grey? I should not spend time on translation any more, I must do my practice.” The Master agreed admiringly: “Indeed it’s about time for you to practice.” These days, my hair is also turning grey rapidly. Lacking authentic practice, what I know still remains on the superficial level without melding into my mind. If I do nothing about it, I’ll soon be propelled into the phase of death and become history.


21st of May, Year of RenWu
June 30, 2002

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