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敬师 Veneration to Guru
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Veneration to Guru


Today I had the privilege of reading a concise biography by the great wisdom being Shakab Tsozhi Rangzhu on his spiritual master. Every vajra song composed by Shakabpa is in praise of his master, revealing his incomparable devotion toward his guru.


His guru His Holiness Lekshey Wangpo was a Mongolian monarch whom he met for the first time at a Vajra Festival. The master was sitting on the lawn with his consort, enjoying the carnival shows. Shakabpa paid homage to the master and was accepted as a disciple. He then embarked on practice, first studying the stages of the path to enlightenment, followed by receiving empowerment on the secret Mantrayana and transmissions on the supreme Seven Treasures. When he was contemplating a solitary retreat, his master advised: “Our days together are numbered, do not go away.” He listened and followed his guru to a secluded place to practice together. During that period, he made circumambulations of the guru’s tent every day. With the teacher’s blessings, his faith grew stronger day by day.


Later the teacher gave him permission to go to Quihai Huxin for practice. There he sealed his retreat cave with boulders and mud, locking himself up, and practiced with unyielding effort. One day he dreamed of a man riding a blue steed. In the dream the man told him: “Your master is going to another land, do you want to see him?” Without a second thought, he joined the man to go to his teacher’s seat.


By the time they reached their destination, the teacher was nowhere to be found. He asked the man on the blue horse: “Where is my teacher?” “He is now in the Dakini Land of Freedom,” the horseman answered as he whipped the horse and galloped on with tremendous speed.

又走了很远,看见成千上万的人手持宝幢、宝伞、锣鼓在迎接上师,见到朝思暮想的上师,他含泪执意祈求道:“上师可否带我一起走?” 上师说:“不行,你要回去好好修持,并尽力弘法利生。”给他作加持后,便向前开拔。此时,天边涌出无数天人、天女前来恭候上师,他一直凝望着上师等人的身影,直至消失无踪。当他醒来后,枕头已被泪水浸湿。后来他得知,上师的确已在那天示现圆寂。

After a long ride, he saw tens of thousands of people holding precious parasols, jeweled umbrellas, gongs, and drums, in a procession welcoming his master. Bowing to the master of his endless yearning, he implored with tear-filled eyes: “Master, please take me with you! “His guru said: “Not now. You have to go back and practice. You should strive to benefit beings.” The master then blessed him and went on his way. Presently, inconceivable numbers of gods and goddesses streamed out from the sky, respectfully greeting his guru. He kept his eyes on his master until the huge entourages disappeared from sight. When he woke up, his pillow was wet with tears. He learned later that indeed his master had passed away on exactly the same day.


How marvelous are mind-to-mind blessings! May I arouse the same strong faith as that of Shakabpa to his guru!


27th of May, Year of RenWu
July 7, 2002

{返回 旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey 文集}

上一篇:梦境 A Dream
下一篇:恒记 Remember Always
 少眠 Sleep Sparingly
 离亲 Forsaking Kinships
 歌声 Sound of Singing
 真贼 Real Burglar
 假相 Illusory Appearances
 讥笑 Being Ridiculed
 记住 Bear in Mind
 宗塔 Zong Ta
 失败 On Failure
 断根 Cutting the Root
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