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阿姨 An Auntie
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An Auntie


We went to Luhuo today to release live beings and were hoping to take some time to hold a little fair. But our plans were thwarted by the weather; the rain fell continuously. It seemed we had wasted effort in bringing tents, drinks, and food with us.


One of my aunts who had been very kind to me when I was little is ill. Upon hearing the news, I hastened to pay her a visit.


She is living in an unthinkably shabby place; other than a dirty blanket on the bed and a blackened teapot, there is hardly any other furniture in the room.


I recall her house was not too far from the elementary school I attended. At that time her family was relatively well off and I would often sneak out in between classes to her house. There I could always find the best food, like tsampa and butter, to fill my ever-hungry stomach, and she had always been generous to offer me her best, never acting stingy.


Now at 91, she has as her caretaker her son, who is in his 50s. Although her dwelling is dilapidated and miserable, she still maintains a cheerful disposition. She spouted funny tales she had heard from different sources and we could not stop laughing. Lastly, she said: “I must have committed some evil deeds in my past lives that I suffer this illness now. I can only pray to the Three Jewels faithfully to lighten my karmic retributions.”


Hearing her remarks, I saw clearly the reason for her cheerful mindset. Her belief in the effects of positive and negative actions is firm enough that even when stricken with severe illness she bears no grudges toward fate nor toward others. Instead she prays to the Three Jewels wholeheartedly and performs the purification practice sincerely. No wonder she is able to remain composed.


Indeed, anyone who has confidence in the principle of cause and effect will always maintain a sunny outlook, even amidst the most difficult circumstances.


8th of June, Year of RenWu
July 17, 2002

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下一篇:健康 Staying Healthy
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 珍贵 Real Treasure
 安然 At Ease
 空难 Air Disaster
 风灯 Flickering Candlelight
 佛法 Aspects of Dharma
 生死 Life & Death
 忍辱 Practicing Forbearance
 梦境 A Dream
 降魔 Subjugating Demons
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