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宗塔 Zong Ta
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Zong Ta


The thunderstorm raging all night finally stopped. The sun came out smiling from behind the clouds. In the washed, transparent air, the green fields were simply enchanting. White and golden swans glided gracefully in the sky while the brooks ran gently, nourishing the Zong Ta prairie that is surrounded by verdant mountains and dense forests. Bees and butterflies danced merrily among the sprawling white wildflowers and frogs leaped playfully in tall grasses.


Here I was revisiting the place where my alma mater, Zong Ta Middle School, used to be. The old classrooms were in ruins and had been replaced by an elementary school. The old dormitory where I used to stay was gone, a newly built bungalow now stood there.


My lively middle school days flashed through my mind like scenes in a movie. In those days, we were bubbling over with life as if loaded with inexhaustible energy. Nowadays, my youth is gone, leaving behind only a sack of worn flesh and bones. The majority of my old teachers have passed away, as have many of my schoolmates. The saplings we planted around the campus are now towering trees adorned with luxuriant leaves, but the classmates who planted them are heard from no more or are nowhere to be found. Standing on the hill overlooking my old school, I was choked with emotion; as things change, so do humans, only worse. Impermanence, like an iron-faced umpire, swallows up all there was in the past. It allows us no clinging to what we have now. It forces us to see the fleeting nature of the illusory landscape and the composite human body.


But there is also something to be happy about. My classmate Lhapu has taken the Buddhist ordination and is now the head monk of a monastery on a facing mountain, teaching Dharma to 40 to 50 monks every day. Thinking of him made me catch a glimpse of the everlasting beacon amidst the rumbles of impermanence.


9th of June, Year of RenWu
July 18, 2002

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