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宾头卢颇罗堕尊者 The Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja
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The Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja

宣公上人讲于一九八六年十月二十八日 Lectured by the Venerable Master Hua on October 28, 1986
黄佩玲 英译 English Translated by Pei Ling Ooi


Pindola-Bharadvaja is translated as “unperturbed keen faculties.” He is still and imperturbable, with a stable, keen disposition. This Venerable One once served as the minister of the King of Udayana. When the conditions matured, disillusioned with worldly concerns, he renounced the home life to cultivate the Way, and further attained the spiritual penetration of knowing one’s past lives. One day, the king went to the Buddha’s place. Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja did not rise from his seat, and thus the king was disgruntled. When the king went to the Buddha’s place again, Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja moved forward seven steps to greet him and stopped, telling him, “That cost Your Majesty seven years of blessing.” At that time, Venerable Jyotika placed a sandalwood almsbowl on the roof of the temple and proclaimed to the assembly, “If any of you can use his spiritual penetration to take down the almsbowl, then it will be given to you.” Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja was patching his robe under a tree on the mountain. As he saw the scene from afar with his heavenly eye, he immediately went to get the almsbowl. The Buddha reprimanded him, “You must not reveal your spiritual penetrations in front of laypeople. From now on, you are not allowed to follow me or enter into stillness; you must accept invitations to offerings in order to increase people’s blessings.” Thus Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja is the foremost field of blessings. He always manifests an appearance with white hair and long eyebrows.




The Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja is one who receives offering—the offering of Dharma. If anyone of you would like to treat him to a vegetarian meal he will be very happy. He will be so happy that even his hair, his eyes and his eyebrows will smile. His eyebrows are so long they extend to the ground. When he smiles, his eyebrows are raised. How can he see when his eyebrows extend to the ground? When they are raised, he can see again and know how you make offerings to him. Now we will talk about this Arhat.


This Arhat liked to reveal his spiritual penetrations in the past; he liked to play practical jokes on people. Accordingly, he used his spiritual penetrations to do things that other people could not do in order to show off his abilities. For this reason, the Buddha reprimanded him, saying, “You can’t even hide your light under a bushel! You always do things that are strange and unconventional to flaunt your ability!” “You are not allowed to enter stillness. You are not allowed to follow me!” The Buddha reproached him in this way. He probably listened to the Buddha’s instruction and thus did not enter stillness. Now if any of you sincerely invite him over to receive offering he will invariably come. Therefore in some monasteries, a nice room is prepared especially for him. The room is tidy and clean; it is not necessarily elegant, but it is very neat. A bed is also set up for him. Not only that, but quilts and everything else are prepared for him to come and stay, and receive offerings. He will invariably come because he was so instructed by the Buddha. You all probably don’t know about the wondrous abilities of this Venerable One. No matter who invites him—even if tens of thousands of people invite him all on the same day—he will go to tens of thousands of places to receive offerings.


His name is Pindola, and his last name Bharadvaja. His name means “unperturbed” and “keen disposition.” He is unperturbed by anything—wealth, sex, fame, food and sleep. Further, his disposition is very keen. To have a keen disposition means to be very intelligent. He is not only very sharp-witted, but also very intelligent. Therefore he is “still and unperturbed, with a stable, keen disposition”. He is an optimist and always very happy. You see, his beard is long, his hair is long, and his eyebrows are long. He is very happy and always looks like a youth.


Before he renounced the home life, he was the minister of the King of Udayana [An ancient kingdom situated in present day Xinjiang Province]. As a minister, he may have managed the finances, the public health, the foreign affairs or the domestic affairs of the country. Anyhow we are not concerned about this. Afterwards, he was disillusioned with worldly concerns and thus renounced the home life to cultivate the Way. After he renounced the home life to cultivate the Way, he attained the spiritual penetration of knowing one’s past lives. He further attained the spiritual penetrations of the heavenly eye and the heavenly ear, knowing others’ minds and that of spiritual travel. But he had not fully attained the spiritual penetration of freedom from outflows. If he had, then he would have attained the stage of those beyond study. The King of Udayana had faith in the Buddha and frequently went to make offerings to the Buddha. When he was making offerings to the Buddha, he saw that Pindola-Bharadvaja sitting there and totally ignoring him. This made him angry. He was upset and thought to himself, “In the past you were my minister; when you saw me you had to give me three hoorays wishing me a long life, kowtow and bow in obeisance. Now that you have renounced the home life, you simply ignore me when I come. You are indeed too rude! If you still treat me so rudely when I come next time, I’ll definitely kill you no matter what!”


The next day, the king went to the Buddha’s place again. Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja did not want the king to violate the precept against killing, so he reluctantly rose from his seat and moved forward seven steps to greet him. He stopped after seven steps and told the King of Udayana, “Your Majesty, now I’ve come forward seven steps to greet you. But that was at the expense of seven years of your blessing as a king! In the future I’m afraid you will encounter a disaster.” In this way, the reign of the King of Udayana was shortened by seven years. The law of cause and effect is very formidable.


Therefore, you lay people should not let the monastics serve you tea or rice, or do anything to greet you. In the temple, you should take care of yourselves and not let the monastics wait on you. In some temples, monastics seek to please the laypeople. Some of them even make half bows to the laypeople and treat them with great hospitality. Why do they do that? They are obsequious in order to develop relationships with the rich. This is not right. Even if you as a monastic have not attained sagehood, your status is still higher than that of laypeople. Therefore laypeople must not ask the monastics to serve them. In Dongbei, Hong Kong and America, I have never poured tea or served water to laypeople. I never do anything for them. I’m very simple. I don’t even offer plates of fruit. In the ordinary monasteries in China, when Dharma protectors come, plates of fruit—longan, dried longan, peanuts or other nuts—are set on the table. I don’t comply with such conventions. Therefore no matter where I go, people say that I’m too aloof and that I don’t know how to serve people. I dare not serve people! I’m afraid if I did I would decrease their blessings by seven years and if they were the king, their reign would be decreased by seven years. I no doubt am someone who has not attained sagehood. But how can you be sure that there won’t be any consequences in doing this?


Once there was an elder who was particularly mischievous. How so? He used some sandalwood to make an almsbowl. If you want to give away an almsbowl you can simply give it to anyone you wish; or you could let everyone draw lots. You can say, “Let’s draw lots for my almsbowl.” But he didn’t do that. Instead he placed the alms-bowl at the top of a pagoda in the temple. It was probably not easy to get it from the top. Maybe one could get it using a hoist or a helicopter. But I don’t know how he managed to get it up there; I don’t know what kind of bird he sent to place the almsbowl there. He put it in an inaccessible place. He said, “If any of you have spiritual penetrations and manage to get the almsbowl using your spiritual penetrations, I will give it to you.” At that time, some Arhats with spiritual penetrations thought, “No way! In no case will I do this! If we use our spiritual penetrations to take it down, it will show that we covet the almsbowl and are greedy. However, if none of us take it down, this elder seems to be testing us to see if we have spiritual penetrations. What are we to do?”


At that time, these Arhats who had attained sagehood did not know what course to take. Pindola-Bharadvaja was patching his robe under a tree at a faraway place. While he was patching his robe, he heard about what was happening. He then wanted to play a joke on them. So he went to the place using his spiritual penetrations, soared high into the space and took the almsbowl down. As a result, he was reprimanded by the Buddha, “You always show off your spiritual penetrations in front of everyone, and this is impermissible. Since you’ve made this mistake, I won’t allow you to follow me anymore. I won’t allow you to be part of the community, and I won’t allow you to enter stillness, be reborn, or enter Nirvana. You must stay in the world forever, and you must accept every invitation to an offering no matter who invites you. You must receive offerings in the world and serve as the field of blessings. You must let people in the world plant the seeds of blessings.” Pindola-Bharadvaja thought, “That sounds good! It’s fun and I can do it. I can be like a kid and play with the kids in the world.” Therefore, today, if anyone invites him he will go to receive offering. But let me tell you, he will not let you recognize him. If you pay attention to him, he will do certain things so that you will not be able to recognize him. This is how Pindola-Bharadvaja is. In the past, some people talked about him in great detail. Therefore, I am simply saying a little bit according to my own perspective and understanding of him.


童颜鹤发 眉毛拖地
不甘寂寞 常作游戏
被佛呵斥 入灭无期
永住世间 莫现神异

A verse in praise says:

He had a ruddy complexion on a hoary head, and eyebrows extending to the ground.
Not resigning himself to loneliness, he frequently frolicked around.
Reprimanded by the Buddha, he will not enter stillness within the foreseeable future.
Instead he will stay in the world forever without revealing his spiritual penetrations and extraordinary powers.



He had a ruddy complexion on a hoary head. His appearance is like that of a youth. Therefore I said he is a kid. His hair is white, and his beard is very long. And eyebrows extending to the ground. His eyebrows do not necessarily reach the ground; the verse simply means they are very long. You don’t want to be attached to this and say, “Ah! This must not be Pindola-Bharadvaja. You said his eyebrows extend to the ground. The eyebrows of this guy are not that long.” In fact, when his transformation body comes, he might not even have eyebrows, not to mention having eyebrows that extend to the ground.


Take a look at this next verse! Not resigning himself to loneliness. He is very playful and mischievous. Anyone at our place who likes to scamper about is one who doesn’t resign himself to loneliness, one who is always running around like a kid. You see, he isn’t content to be lonely. He frequently frolicked around. He always goes around showing off his spiritual penetrations. Taking down the alms-bowl was not the only occasion in which he showed off his spiritual penetrations. I believe he did it many times. If he only did it once, the Buddha would not be angry at him. You can imagine that he always wanted to do things that other people were unable to do.


Reprimanded by the Buddha, he will not enter stillness within the foreseeable future. Even if he wants to enter Nirvana, it will not happen within the foreseeable future. This is roughly the meaning. Instead he will stay in the world forever without revealing his spiritual penetrations and extraordinary powers. The Buddha wanted him to constantly dwell in the world out of compassion. The Buddha saw that if all his disciples entered stillness, no one would be here to joke with us. Therefore he left his disciple, the old mischief maker, in the world to meet us sometimes. But he is not allowed to reveal his spiritual penetrations to anyone. Therefore, you cannot say, “Ah, let me go see Pindola, and ask him to show me some tricks using his spiritual penetrations.” You won’t be able to see them now. You could only see them during the Buddha’s time, but not now.


舍弃富贵淡荣华 不管世间乱如麻
勤修福慧精进力 干受劳苦早归家
不迎国王为护主 谦让数步损德芽
救度众生化五浊 虚空法界泯迩遐

Another verse says:

Renouncing riches and honor, indifferent to glory and high rank,
He cared nothing about worldly concerns as chaotic as a tangled skein.
Diligently he cultivated blessings and wisdom, and vigorously he exerted himself,
Enduring all toil and suffering in order to return home soon.
Not greeting the king, he intended to protect his lord;
When he gave in and took a few steps, he diminished the king’s sprouts of virtue.
He rescued and liberated living beings, transforming those in the world of five turbidities,
Transcending notions of far and near, his state pervades all of space and the Dharma Realm.


Renouncing riches and honor, indifferent to prosperity and high rank. He gave up all riches and honor, and became indifferent to fame and high rank. He cared nothing about worldly concerns as chaotic as a tangled skein. He paid no attention to mundane matters anymore; in the past he was the minister who governed the country. Now, he no longer cared about worldly matters. It didn’t matter to him what happened or who became the emperor. Anyhow he didn’t want to be one.

「勤修福慧精进力」:他很精勤的修福修慧,他用力量去精进。「甘受劳苦早归家」:他自己心甘情愿要修种种的苦行。你看他是好玩,但是他可不享福;他也不要一个 automobile (汽车)、也不要一个飞机、也不要一个火轮船、也不要一个王宫,什么都不要了!他把一切都放下了,所以就甘心受劳苦,愿意早早的回自己的本有家乡;本有的家乡,就是佛所住的地方。我们每一个人本有的家乡,就是佛所住的 house。

Therefore, diligently he cultivated blessings and wisdom, and vigorously he applied effort. he cultivated blessings and wisdom very vigorously. He used all his strength to vigorously cultivate the Way. Enduring all toil and suffering in order to return home soon. He willingly did all kinds of ascetic practices. In cultivation of the Way, he seemed to be playful. But he actually didn’t enjoy any blessings. He didn’t want an automobile, an airplane, or a steamboat; nor did he want a royal palace—he simply didn’t want anything. He had given up everything. Therefore he was very willing to endure hardship and suffering to return to his homeland where the Buddha dwells. The homeland of each and every one of us is the house where the Buddha dwells.


Not greeting the king, he intended to protect his lord. He did not rise from his seat and go forward to greet and welcome the king, simply because he wanted to protect his king from losing his blessings. When he gave in and took a few steps, he diminished the king’s sprouts of virtue. He humbly complied because the king wanted to kill him. He had no choice but to be very polite to him. He stood up and went forward seven steps to greet him, but who would have thought that this was done at the expense of the king’s seven years of blessings? Then why didn’t he tell the king earlier? It was because even if he did, the king would not have believed him. If he had told him earlier, the king would have thought that he was just being arrogant and was trying to find an excuse not to greet and welcome him. Therefore, he made this a test and thought, “If I really do it, this will diminsh your blessings.” He stopped after seven steps and told the king that he had just lost seven years of his blessings as a king. This was an expedient teaching. Our blessings are accumulated from our virtuous conduct. In this way the king’s sprouts of virtuous conduct were hurt. This was indeed a loss.


He rescues and liberates living beings, transforming those in the world of five turbidities. This Venerable One rescues and crosses over all living beings in the world. In this world of the five turbidities of the Saha World, he teaches and transforms all living beings. Transcending notions of far and near, his state pervades all of space and the Dharma Realm. There is no boundary to this kind of state of mind. It is neither far nor near, neither close nor distant. Since we are living beings, we are within the boundary of those whom he transforms and crosses over. There are no distinctions of being far or near, close or distant. There is no self or others, no right or wrong. There is no notion of this world or that world, this race or other races. Such distinctions don’t exist.

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