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透过教育弘扬佛法 Propagation Of Buddhism Through Education
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A talk by Dr. Snejzana Akpinar, President of Dharma Realm Buddhist University on September 8, 1998, in the Buddha Hall at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
戴岳子 中译 Chinese translation by Dai Yue Zi


Good evening. I hope you will listen to my lecture carefully, because I will talk about how we should teach and how we should propagate the Dharma.


Dharma is education, or one aspect of Dharma is education, and conversely, education is Dharma. So, to propagate the Dharma by education would almost mean to propagate education through education. They are almost the same word.


Dharma means a lot of things, but its primary meaning in Sanskrit, where the word comes from, and in India in general, is a "method" or "system." We can ask ourselves: What is education? That, too, is a method: a method for sorting things out in our confused minds. The goal is always the same: It is to help living beings become better by attaining some understanding of their true nature. So, the Buddhadharma is the method of education which Shakyamuni Buddha and Buddhism uses.


There is also something that is called the sanatana-dharma in Sanskrit, which means the perennial or eternal teaching, the teaching that is always constant and that never changes. And that teaching has no connotation of Buddhism or Hinduism or any other religion. It is that which is always there. And that is also what Shakyamuni Buddha, along with many sages of this world, was teaching—not only teaching, but reviving—as a practice for the world. It is a teaching that is always there, but it needs to be brought forth again and again in order to suit the conditions of a certain age.

在我们这个「现代世界」——现在应称「超现代世界」了——从本质上说,人们还是在一样的;像往常一样,我们还是非常地迷糊,我们也在寻求一种秩序,以我们能力内的最好方法,去将事情理出一个头绪。这需要艰苦的付出,严格的纪律,还有失望、不快乐,也就是在梵文或巴利文中所称的「不满」(dukkha 都卡);即佛教徒称之为「苦」的。这是一种苦,但也有乐的一面。总而言之,教育或弘法的宗旨在于使人类找到一条离苦得乐的途径,在这个基础上再去帮助别人得到同样的安乐和远离执着。

In our modern—and what is now called postmodern—world, people are still attempting to do that same thing, in essence. As usual, we are still very confused, and are trying to help ourselves to find some kind of order, to sort things out the best way we can. That requires very hard work. It requires discipline, and of course it requires disappointment, unhappiness, or what in Sanskrit or in Pali is called dukkha—unsatisfactoriness, which we Buddhists like to call "suffering". It is a form of suffering, but it also involves some happiness. Above all, the whole point of education or Dharma, is to enable us human beings to find a way out of it all, to reach a point of equanimity, from where we can compassionately help others reach that same point—that point of equanimity or detachedness.


Throughout this process, as teachers and educators, as mothers, as fathers, as engineers or doctors or lawyers, we should never forget that' our major companion has to be compassion or Guanyin. That will help us survive above the confusion and enable us to help others to do the same. Otherwise, we will very easily get frustrated in this imperfect world, and we will simply be angry and resentful, nothing else.


Why is education necessary, and how should one go about it? There are many ways of educating people and there are many kinds of education. There is not one single, simple answer. The important factor, however, is to be aware of your students—of their needs, their levels, and the age they live in. We cannot ignore where they are, who they are, and what their level of education is. That is probably the hardest part—to have an empathy for your student. A teacher may know his subject very, very well, but his expectations are sometimes unrealistic. Why is this so? It's because the teacher wants to impart the best that he can to his student. And in the process, it's very easy to forget who the student really is and what the whole, real purpose of that education is.


Why does that happen? I don't think there's a single teacher in this world that doesn't want to be the best, the kindest, the most intelligent and perfect person. And yet it is very easy to get frustrated and to give up or to become angry. This is because it is very threatening to see the actual truth—where you are as a teacher and where the student is. It's very scary to look at it clearly, because there are many confusions, many mistakes, and many pitfalls. In order for both the teacher and the student to attain some success in whatever they do, compassion again—Guanyin—is the sort of facilitator—the grease—that will make the mechanism of education work. That is something that we absolutely cannot ignore as teachers. It is what turns our knowledge—that which we know—into wisdom.


This kind of awareness of what the truth really is—who we are, what we need to teach, and who our students are—will help teachers to be better people. It does not necessarily rest on information that we have to impart. To help us become better and more compassionate human beings, we need to have a kind of moral code for being teachers. That is what will help us achieve and maintain an attitude of compassion.


Teachers are like members of any other trade or profession. They all need to have a code, a set of rules that they have to abide by. In the "good old days"—as people like to think of them—any profession or trade had a moral code—a code of chivalry, as it's called. "Chivalry"comes from the word "horse," and a chevalier, or someone who has chivalry, is a horseman, which implies a noble person, someone who is superior to others. Any profession had its code of chivalry, and those who would enter the profession—be they teachers, cobblers, or even street-sweepers—had to swear that they would abide by this code. The people who were mem­bers of that profession would form a guild—a society or union. The codes that applied to a certain guild were meant to make the members of that guild more noble people.


Another word for "nobleman" is "Aristocrat" comes from the Sanskrit word arya. So the noble path, for example, is called the Aryan path. The word arya also has to do with air; it is something that is light and buoyant.


Today, we live in the modern and postmodern world, and these old habits of chivalry and traditions and moral codes have become a little bit too rigid for us. They lost their true meaning. The air and the life of the aristocracy or nobility was somehow sucked out of them, so to speak. At this point in our age, these old methods— these old codes—seem to be shattered, and we see bits and pieces of them flying around—that's all that's left.


In many parts of the world, they have completely shattered, and all we have is dust. This phenomena, though, in itself is very old, and it is a continuous process, as Buddhists know. This has hap­pened before. It is the Dharma-ending age. That is why, at present, we must adapt ourselves to the conditions of this day and age, and see what is relevant and important for the whole world right now.


We're sort of like archaeologists, who find a little piece of a column and are very proud of it, and so they hold onto it and put it in a museum. But they tend to forget that there is a bigger picture, that this particular little piece of a column was probably holding something very important—a temple that was much more important than this little piece. Or that the temple was the center of a big city, or that the big city was at the center of a big country, and so on. We may look at that little piece and think that it's very important, but it is just a silly little piece of decoration which has very little consequence for what we are trying to do.


Now I will illustrate this with a story that happened to me right now before I came to this lecture. This afternoon as I was thinking of what to say for this lecture, I wrote it on my little computer and thought, "Well, I'll just put it on a floppy disk and take it to the office and have it printed, so that I will have a cleaner example of what I'm going to say and I can give it to the translator. That is a simple enough thing to do."


I'm sure that just a couple of years ago even, not to mention a thousand years ago, a teacher who was going to lecture wouldn't have thought of all these things. These are extras that are just coming from every which way and floating in the air. Well, it just so happened that my floppy disk didn't match with the office computer, so my plan failed. "Never mind,"I thought, "I can go back and read my file on the screen of my own computer and then just copy it down on paper." And so I took the floppy back and put it in my computer, and the file came on the screen, but— it was in Greek! I could understand it, since I can read the Greek alphabet, but it was English words written in the Greek alphabet. Can you imagine the confusion we have to go through just to do a very simple talk? That's the world we live in.


A good teacher who is aware of the Dharma-ending Age and of all of these pieces floating all over has to find a way of adapting to the new age, so that he or she can impart to their students the bigger picture along with the specific knowledge of their subject.


But what is it exactly that the student gets from all of this? Here, in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, we can call it morality. Not only here, but in this modern world people are trying to stress moral education and morality. And we have no problem defining moral­ity—that is not the issue. Morality, as I have said, is a code that we have to follow. "Moral" comes from a Latin word that means some­thing that is custom. So, a moral code is a code of good customs, of things that have been proven to be good and that people have agreed to follow—something that helps them stay on the Path. It is a code of honor. But we all know that there is something that goes beyond the moral code, and that is what I would like to talk about.


That which goes a little bit beyond the concept of morality is called ethics. What is ethics, and how does ethics connect with morality, and what is the difference? A very quick and simple answer would be that morality can be spelled out and ethics is beyond words. Morality helps us to become ethical. What is the root of "ethics"? I like to connect it with the word "ether", or the pure air, which has no pollutants in it. It is something that can pervade and enter our whole being—our mind and our body—and make us more lighthearted, more buoyant, more alive, more subtle, and more capable of bending. It helps us transform ourselves and our minds so we can grasp concepts beyond words. We can  hope to see then into the roots of cause and effect and know what is good and what is bad without having to think about it. Morality is a guide to hold onto; ethics is further down the path. And a teacher needs to awaken that sense of ethics in his students.


In some languages of this world, like the languages of the Middle East—Hebrew, the ancient Semitic languages, and Arabic of today--the word for ethics is associated with creativity. It is the creativity of the human being that is good that is called ethics. Ethics has to do with creating good things. Anything that is created that is bad is not worth the title of being a "creature"—something that is created; it is not ethical. And what is not ethical is almost not alive— for that part of the world.


In our modern world, we know that there are many, many complex issues. Our world is a very complicated one. Those who teach definitely need to understand ethics, at least in theory if not in practice. Most of us here are quite aware of what the modern world is about. It began, so to speak, in the eighteenth century, or roughly two hundred years ago. It is the world of science; everything needs to be scientific in this world.    It has to be measurable, provable, and tangible. If you cannot prove something, then it is not even worth thinking about. This attitude has by now swept our whole world and taken hold of it. That is why people these days do not study the arts, Buddhism, or anything that would be called the humanities—anything that is hard to prove. And even if anyone has the interest, that interest is usually discouraged by his or her parents, because it doesn't make any money. Parents are worried about the well-being of their children, and there is very little prestige in studying something that is not measurable, provable, or tangible. Those who nevertheless do study the humanities must limit these hard-to-prove concepts into little, tangible bites-they have to be able to prove them anyway, so they have to oversimplify very complex ideas and put them in little boxes.


People today are encouraged to become engineers, scientists, business majors, lawyers, and doctors, mostly because those are respected and profitable professions. I'm not trying to say that this is a bad thing necessarily, because all of these profession have methods, and they have potentials of helping human beings. There's no question about this. But unfortunately, these days ethics is not emphasized as the goal of these professions. In fact, these scientific professions are only concerned with short-term usefulness and quick results. As a reaction to this scientific approach that is so efficient and quick, and is taking over, we now have something that is increasingly popular in this world, which the scholars call "postmodernism." We are not in the modern world anymore, in the world of scientific truth and experiments, but in the postmodern world.


The modern world of science was very rigid. It always had to have proofs. Two and two was always four in the modern world. Now we have a reaction to this, and that is the postmodern world.


What is postmodernism? It is a lot of things. It is the bits and pieces of ancient culture that are floating about the earth. But mostly, it is a rebellion against the rigid scientific approach to life. We might not be aware of this, but it is a very serious revolution against science. And there are elements in it that are quite positive, that I consider to be very good reaction to the very narrow approach. But, like everything else in this world, in postmodernism too, it is very hard to find and stick to the Middle Path.


Postmodernism is very liberated, because it encourages people to free themselves from those rigid, petrified old traditions and their forms-forms that were very often created by modernism. Modernism was very formal; it had to have logic behind everything it did. Postmodernism encourages us to free ourselves from this. But, once we are free, then what? The answer is simply not there. And that is the question which the world is posing to itself today. "Alright, we broke all the forms, we broke all the traditions—now what?" It's a very scary question.


Many of us, particularly Buddhists, can say that there is something positive and good in all of this. Particularly Buddhists who like the Chan practice may say, "Alright, so we don't have a form--so what?" But there are many other people, including Buddhists, who say there is danger lurking behind anything that goes on too far. Be it modernism and scientific methods, or be it postmodernism--if it's carried to its extreme, it's dangerous. So, it is for us--Buddhists and Buddhist educators--to point in a compassionate manner to the Middle Path-both in the postmodern form and in the modern form.


There is one thing that I would like to say about the post-modern world that is very important for all of us. In this postmodern age, in the process of breaking all the formalities and rigidities of our modern world that were dividing everything up, people have thrown away the idea of authority, and also of tradition. That's because they have all been hurt by the debris—the leftovers, the broken piece--of our old, stiff authorities from the past. Now that these are all smashed, the postmodern individuals, out of having nothing for them to catch onto--no Brahma Net--and out of the fear and horror which comes from staring into this mess--this emptiness--they are trying to put the old back together frantically, by catching these bits and pieces of ancient cultures, philosophies, and what-have-you, of this old and disintegrating world. They (or we actually) catch these pieces and try to stick them together at random--a little bit from here, a little bit from there--as they see fit. So, they make a new world, a new construct for themselves, but for each individual it's a different thing and it comes from different, disconnected pieces.


And in this kind of atmosphere, each person is afraid for his or for her own ego, for their selves. The level of fear and anquish of the modern human being living in a postmodern world is very, very high. There needs to be a new and more appropriate approach to these people and to this world. And here is where we all need the help of Guanyin. That is the only thing that can pull us out of this tremendous mess and fear that our world is in. As teachers, we must have empathy and see where our poor students and our poor colleagues are and why they are mistrustful of each other and of the world and approach them from a different angle—from the angle that we work for them, not necessarily for us, because we all know that there are many, many Dharma doors and so we should not only find one that works for us, but find their Dharma door if we can.


My practical suggestion for this is to start out small, with something a frightened and an ignorant being can relate to, something that is relevant to their own life, that is not too scary and that is attainable for them. On the human level, that is something to which they can say, "Oh, this is easy. Even a stupid fool like me can do that." If they can start from that point, you can make better human beings out of them. But if you start from a point that is way, way too far, that is not personal, and that is authoritative—if they see authority—then they shy away. It is a little bit like training a wild animal, I would say. But the way to approach and win people's hearts for us as educators is to start very low and take the threat away from anything we say.


At this point I would ask any of you who have any questions to come forth and we can discuss some of your questions and your attitudes and your problems or some good things that you have to say about education. Or any questions you want to ask me about my talk right now.


Don't be shy. You know a Dharma talk in the Buddha Hall should be something we can all participate in, and not just be me—the authority—in this postmodern world, telling you what to do. This is not a good practice. It won't make me a good teacher.


In the postmodern world we are all teachers and we all have to respect each other's authority. That's how people see themselves. Probably many of the people who come here have that attitude, and we have to be aware of that. One of the ways to start is to have the courage to speak up, to say what you think, and to ask the questions that are going through your mind, or not even ask questions, but just if you have an observation, say it.


Question: You have taught extensively in different parts of the world to people of different cultures. Can you speak a little bit about your experience?



Answer: Well, it's hard to say, because I firmly believe that people are all the same wherever you go. They might wear different kinds of clothes and have different color eyes and hair, but in essence they are all the same, and even in how they approach the role of religion they are the same: They are defensive of it, and they think theirs is the best.I can tell you of an experience that was very touching and that happened to me when I was teaching at a women's college in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is one of the conservative countries that stick to a form. In that sense we could say it is a modern country, because it sticks to its own form. It has a proven system that works, and they do not want that system to progress in any way. I'm not here to judge the system. It has its good and bad aspects, but somehow it does keep the people together. I was running a program for learning foreign languages there, and most of the teachers employed there were Christian. Some of the students were also Christian. Arabs are either Christian, Muslim, or Jewish. These are the three religions there, but the biggest one is definitely Islam. It was approaching Christmas, and a new law came down from the King that everyone has to come to school on Christmas Day—teachers and students. If you look at the principle of that law, it wasn't all that bad. It was their country, and they are for the most part not Christian, so why should they observe a holiday that is not their own, that is imposed on them by the Christians? After all, when they go out into the Christian world, the Christian world forces them to accept Christian holidays and the Muslim holidays are put on the backburner. So the government's policy was: This is a Muslim country, and Christmas is going to be a working day.


Many of the teachers were quite upset, because they wanted to celebrate Christmas. The principals of the school, who were all Arabs, were also upset, and they were very embarrassed by this. This is the ethics that I'm talking about. These were ethical people, and they didn't know what to do. So, they said, "This is the law, and we will get into trouble if we don't follow the law, but we also know that you are good people who are teaching and not taking too much money and who try to help us and make friends with us. We apologize for our government, but we have to follow the law." I talked to the teachers and said, "Some of you are married to Arabs, so your husbands are Muslims. Those of you whose husbands are Muslims and those of you who really don't care whether you are home or not for Christmas, and those of you who can give of yourselves-since Christmas is a day when you should give--come, in order to help out the school. Those of you who don't want to come don't have to come, and we will somehow divide the classes among the ones who are left behind." And that is what happened. Some people came, and some didn't come.


I went to substitute for another teacher, and the minute I walked into the classroom, the students locked the door. I thought, "My goodness, what's going to happen now?"

Then from under their chadors--the black cloaks that the women wear came all kinds of sweets and delicacies that they had made for their teacher (not for me; I was just a substitute) because they knew that she was an American and a Christian and that she liked Christmas, and they wanted her to be happy.     


This was such a touching thing. In spite of the law of their country, they wanted to respect their teachers. And I took these things and brought them home to their teacher. It was really a very humbling experience for everybody.


This story is a good example of what ethics is, because it is a case of going beyond the rule. The rule was one thing, but people saw what the principle behind it was, and they were courageous enough to follow that principle.



编按:阿比纳博士原籍前南斯拉夫 ,生于佛教家庭,笃信佛教。获贝 尔格勒南斯拉夫大学东方事务学硕 士;土耳其伊斯坦堡大学土耳其事务学博士。现任美国万佛城法界佛教大学校长,教授「佛教宗教观」一课;并任加州柏克莱法界宗教研 究院主任、研究教授。

Editor's note: Dr. Akpinar originally came from the former Yugoslavia and was born a Buddhist. She holds an M. A. in Oriental Studies from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and a Ph.D. in Turkish Studies from the University of Istanbul, Turkey.

She is President of Dharma Realm Buddhist University at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and teaches a course called "A Buddhist View of Religion". She is also Director/Research Professor of Institute for World Religions in Berkeley, California.

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