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不要吃太饱了 Do not eat too much
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Do not eat too much.


If you wish to not eat and still have the energy to continue practicing, that is permissible. However, if you choose not to eat but do not have the energy to sustain yourself for sitting or walking, it would be better to eat something. Cultivators of the Way should not eat too much or they may end up hurting their stomachs. Those who eat only once a day before noon are especially prone to injuring their stomachs. That is why we must accord with the Middle Way even when it comes to meals, which means not eating too much, nor too little. Why do we not get a response despite our rigorous cultivation? It is because if we forget to eat, wear enough clothes, or sleep, we keep thinking all day long, “I didn’t get enough sleep! I didn’t get enough food! I should have eaten more today.” Or we keep thinking, “I am really ill.” If we cannot forget about these minor things, our false thinking will not cease and the true mind will not manifest. This is analogous to murky water. If you keep stirring it, it will never be clear. That is why it is said, “When the mind is clear, the moon appears in the water.” If one’s mind is clear and pure, it is indeed like still water reflecting the moon. “With thoughts quieted, there are no clouds in the sky.” If there are no false thoughts, it is indeed as if there were no clouds in the sky, and your own nature’s light of wisdom will manifest.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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