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要放下自己的臭习气 Let Go of Your Own Stinking Habits
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Let Go of Your Own Stinking Habits


In the Chan Hall, you do not want anything —so you are actually giving. You do not talk or gossip, so your mouth karma is pure. You have no false thoughts, thoughts about rights and wrongs, or thoughts of greed, hatred and ignorance, so your mind karma is pure. You are not killing or harming others, stealing, or indulging in sexual misconduct, so your body karma is pure. Being pure in body, mouth and mind is holding precepts.


If you can endure the pain in your legs and back, that is patience. If you continue to work hard in your cultivation, you are practicing vigor. When sitting in meditation, if you can be solid and unmoving, yet clear and knowing, that is dhyana-concentration. Achieving dhyana-concentration, you do not discriminate the rights and wrongs of others, and you do not jealously hinder others; this is wisdom.


Why do people speak of the rights and wrongs of others? It is due to ignorance. Why do they jealously hinder others? It is due to ignorance. Why would you wish to harm others? It is due to ignorance. All the irrational things that you do come from ignorance. Why are you ignorant? It is because you have not developed your concentration, and your wisdom has not manifested. That is why you are still caught up in “self and others” and “rights and wrongs.” We should reflect on ourselves and realize our own mistakes. We have to change for the better and let go of all our stinking habits.


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