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韦陀菩萨发脾气 Weituo Bodhisattva Is Angry
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Weituo Bodhisattva Is Angry


Today, after the wooden fish was hit three times, I could still hear people talking. According to the rules of the Chan Hall, there should be silence after the wooden fish is hit three times. Once the silent sit begins, nobody should talk and if anyone does, Weituo Bodhisattva will hit him with his jeweled pestle. Someone said, “Nobody hit me just now.” Well, Weituo Bodhisattva is not angry yet. Once he is, you will feel his fury. That is why we should always bear the rules in mind. Only by keeping the rules can we hope to have some accomplishment.


Once everyone has wrapped up his or her legs and is still and sitting properly, we should begin the silent sit. The cantor should not hit the wooden fish three times too quickly while everybody is still adjusting themselves and not yet sitting properly. You are not setting off an atomic bomb! To begin the silent sit, the wooden fish should be hit slowly and only when everyone is sitting properly. If someone is still adjusting himself, we should wait for him. On the other hand, all of us should hurry up and not let the cantor wait.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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