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为什么关公能这样? How Did Lord Guan Do It?
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How Did Lord Guan Do It?


where does concentration power come from? it comes from cultivating patience. you must endure pain and hardship. do you feel pain? Just ask, “who feels pain?” somebody says, “of course it is me who feels pain! i cannot trick myself.” you cannot fool yourself; isn’t it the same when trying to fool others? That is why you must cultivate concentration power. with concentration power, you will have wisdom. This is real wisdom, not wisdoms learned from books. This is innate wisdom. sitting in meditation, you will suffer. if you persistently endure the suffering, just that is samadhi. if you have samadhi, and someone takes a cleaver and slices a piece of flesh from your body, you will think, “There is no pain; this is no big deal.” This is just like lord guan [of the Three kingdoms period] cutting through the bone to curb the poison. how did he do it? he had samadhi. if he didn’t, how could he have “held a candle until dawn without giving in to temptation” [when he had to spend the night in the same room as another man’s wife]? where did his samadhi power come from? it was from cultivating for many eons.


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