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在这儿考状元 Taking the Imperial Examination to Become a Top Scholar
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Taking the Imperial Examination to Become a Top Scholar


We should not leave the meditation topic (huatou) of “Who is mindful of the Buddha” whether we are walking, standing, sitting, or lying down. We should constantly wield the vajra sword to cut off the seven types of emotions, the six desires, as well as our bad habits. When we get rid of our bad habits, our original nature will manifest and Bodhi can be achieved. In our cultivation, we need to face true reality and overcome all circumstances. Although this is difficult, it is the beginning of happiness. A saying goes: “To endure suffering is to end suffering; to enjoy our blessings is to use them up.” Now we are taking the imperial examination to become top scholars. If you do not pass the exams, how would you know you are a top scholar? Therefore, in cultivation, one needs to do things in reverse. Normally people walk with their heads upright, but when you cultivate you should do the reverse. Everybody fears pain. However, a cultivator should endure a little suffering. Another saying goes: “To endure pain is to end pain; to endure suffering is to end suffering.” If it is something that one must go through, then, one should pay off his debts. An average cultivator might say, “It is not right to go through suffering.” We should see from which vantage point this person is making this statement. If he himself refuses to suffer, then, of course he will say it is not right to suffer. But for a person who is willing to endure suffering, then enduring suffering is the right thing to do. Why is that so? Because this person is willing to undergo suffering. Therefore, we should know who is making the statement and not apply it to everyone.


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上一篇:立志在金刚钻上 Put Our Determination on the Vajra Drill
下一篇:为什么要受苦呢? Why Do We Need to Endure Suffering?
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