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先修身齐家,再平天下 First Cultivate Yourself, Then Bring Peace to the World
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First Cultivate Yourself, Then Bring Peace to the World

*培德女中9年级 吴星烨 文

By Shirley Wu, 9th grader of Developing Virtue Girls School

Everyone wants world peace, but this is not a goal that can be easily achieved. For example, friends squabble over the smallest matters. In our daily lives, there are millions of things that bother us and billions of problems to solve. Between countries there are similar difficulties too, so people gather together to solve tough situations. Some countries even fight each other due to different viewpoints and misunderstandings. This warfare and uproar causes the world to be in a constant state of unrest. How is it possible for this world to be peaceful?


I think human nature is a mixture of good and bad, thus we are born into this world. If human nature was 100% pure and full of goodness, then we would be way off in Heaven already. Most people have more of an evil nature than a good nature. Causing a person to decline is way easier than improving a person.


Notice that kids are pure, there is no sense of 'evilness' in them. However, as kids grow older, they gain more and more secular knowledge. Their environment contaminates their minds; their evil seeds start to develop. These angelic creatures thus lose their honesty and purity. Sometimes we even discover that our good deeds did not come from real good intentions.


As I grow older, I notice the dark side of myself, and my pretense in hiding it. There seems to be a dark small room in me that stores all the self-contradictions and bad habits. Everyone has that ugly little storeroom in himself. If we have the courage to open that room and let the light shine through, then we can know ourselves, change ourselves, purify ourselves; then we can give ourselves some room to breathe. 


If we want world peace, then we've got to start from the most fundamental level, or else this task is next to impossible. Evil is more effortlessly developed than good. We should apply more effort in improving ourselves first, pacifying our mind, and then benefiting the world. If we cannot make the world peaceful, at the very least we can make the environment around us peaceful. This might be a more practical way of bringing peace to the world.


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