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当前栏目:[Dhammapada Stories]文集

 Dhammapada Stories - Contents - Introduction - Acknowledgement 阅读:2224
 The Lady and the Ogress 阅读:1740
 The Cruel Butcher 阅读:1725
 Mindfulness Means Life 阅读:1661
 The Wandering Mind 阅读:1653
 The Fickle-Minded Monk 阅读:1677
 The Monk W hose Body Stunk 阅读:1599
 A Father who became a Mother 阅读:1682
 The Cure for Death 阅读:1566
 Bilalapadaka, The Selfish Rich Man 阅读:1740
 The Wise Merchant 阅读:1691
 The Innocent Monk 阅读:1703
 The Unfortunate Hunter 阅读:1738
 Kamma is Inescapable 阅读:1601
 The Self-Pampered Monk 阅读:1824
 Bhikkhu or Brahmana? 阅读:1702
 Not Even for Free 阅读:1659
 The Impermanence of Beauty 阅读:1843
 Practise What You Preach 阅读:1617
 The Pregnant Bhikkhuni 阅读:1675

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