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入世第二课 The Second Lesson Of Entering The Secular World
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Author Charles Yeung

Translated by Soula Lo


Upon entering society, and obtaining an income for living necessities, first we need to learn how to make money, and learn a way to pursue fortune. We can make money through offering labor, or through some knowledge and intelligence. The goal of Western education is to teach students knowledge and give them the tools to obtain knowledge. But the goal of Asian traditional culture’s education is about “Life”. Because gaining knowledge can only let people have a successful career, yet a successful career is only the half part of life, the other half is Life itself. The value and meaning of life is not measured by how much fortune you own, how much fame you gain, how high your status is, but rather by how people recognize you, how much they respect you. Thus, the value of life is not just how you look at yourself, but how other people look at you and appraise you. So the value of life is about repaying society, contributing to society, and making contributions to other people.


Entering society, the goal of learning can be summarized by this phrase, “handling tasks and getting along with others.” When young people are entering society, if they have learned how to work and handle tasks, then they wouldn’t have to worry about whether they can get enough food for surviving or not. However, learning how to be a man can let him have a constant progress; therefore, Western education teaches people knowledge, whereas Asian traditional culture’s education is to cultivate people’s virtue¸ and teach them the way of how to be a man.


To put this practice into life, more often than not, it never is far from learning how to handle tasks and how to be a man. Asian education advocates the idea of “Learning how to be a man before learning how to handle a task”. We can imagine that learning how to be a man can help people a lot with handling tasks. The way of learning how to be a man, is to learn how to accept the unfavorable situation instead of taking advantages from other people. Once we learn how to accept the unfavorable situation, we then can learn how to bear hardships; as a result, we could be an undefeated person in our life.


As for the way of handling tasks and getting along with others, the Confucian school has a very profound study, and they have summarized some great methods and the ways of approaching them. One of the concepts from 《Great Learning》has an impressive and important status. Here we can review some parts from《Great Learning》,and see how it gives the teachings about handling tasks and getting along with others.


The principle of 《Great Learning》is to purify our essence of characters, so that we would be able to get rid of our bad habits, to reform ourselves, and constantly making progress until we achieve the state of “complete sovereign goodness.” To know how to achieve the goal of “complete sovereign goodness,” we need to establish an aspiration of determined resolution. Once we have an aspiration of determined resolution, our mind won’t be in disarray. If our mind is not in disarray or confusion, our spirits will be settled and calm. If our spirits are settled and calm, we are able to be introspective or self-examining, and then gain benefits from it. In this way, we would be faithful to our aspiration, and we wouldn’t deceive ourselves, just like knowing that we hate bad odors, and love beautiful colors. Now that our mind is calm and settled, even when we are alone, we would still be very careful and mindful with our behavior.


Wealth can be used to decorate houses, while virtue is for cultivating body and mind. If we have an extensive heart, our body would be in comfort. Therefore, a noble man must be faithful to his own will, straighten his own mind and attitude, that is to say, “If the heart is full of anger, the thoughts wouldn’t be straight, and wouldn’t meet the righteous way. If the heart is full of fear, the thoughts wouldn’t be straight, and wouldn’t be able to follow the facts and deal with the problems. If the heart is in worry and suffering, the thoughts wouldn’t be straight, and wouldn’t be able to confine the discussion to the matter at issues objectively.” If the heart is unsettled when hearing things, we couldn’t see the real situation of the problems; when hearing things, we couldn’t hear the real voice. When eating food, we wouldn’t know if the taste is good or bad. Thus, to straighten one’s mind and attitude is very important. If we want to talk about governing an enterprise, we must learn how to deal with things within our family first. If we can’t deal with things and relationships from every side within our own family, it is not possible to teach others to do so. Therefore, even though a noble man stays at home, he still can extend his teachings to a whole enterprise. The reason is this: if he can show filial devotion to his parents at home, then he can serve his king or emperor outside of home; if he can respect his brothers at home, he can respect his boss and superior. If he can love his children and other younger generations, then he can be kind to his subordinates and the general public.


A noble man should have virtues by himself first, and then ask others to obtain the same virtues. When he himself has no bad habits and shortcomings, then he can ask others to be rid of their bad habits and shortcomings. If he doesn’t have magnanimity, and does not put himself in another’s position, it is not possible to let others understand the principle of magnanimity. A noble man has his principle of handling tasks and getting along with others. For example, if you hate your boss’s behavior, you wouldn’t adopt his behavior to treat your subordinates. If you hate the behavior of the person before you, then don’t adopt his speech and behavior to treat people behind you. If you hate the person on your right, then don’t adopt his speech and behavior to treat the person on your left. If you hate the person on your left, then don’t adopt his speech and behavior to treat the person on your right. This is called, the principle of handling tasks and getting along with others. A noble man must cultivate his own virtue carefully, when he himself owns bright and pure virtues, he will naturally gain the general public’s support. When he gains the general public’s support, he will naturally have his territory. When he has his territory, he will naturally have his wealth. With his wealth, he will naturally make a difference for his life.


Virtue is the root, wealth is the branches. Value the branches but look down on the root, and you will cause people to fight for profit and commit robbery. Thus, collecting wealth would alienate people’s hearts; sharing wealth with people, people will return and join you.


Therefore, blaming others with unreasonable speech, others would respond with unreasonable words. Using unreasonable methods to obtain fortune and goods, your fortune will be lost without any reason as well. Only the person who values benevolence and righteousness, and cultivates his virtue, would appreciate good people, and dislike bad people. A noble man has his principle of cultivating his own virtue and governing others. He must be faithful, true and honest in order to get it. If he belittles others and is proud, he will certainly lose it.

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 莫舍己道 勿扰他心[栏目:慧语禅心]



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