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{返回 阿罗汉向•阿罗汉果 The Path to Arahantship 文集}

Dhamma (skt. Dharma): Supreme Truth; the basic principles of that Truth; transcendent spiritual qualities; the Buddha’s Teaching. First and fore­most, Dhamma is the quintessential nature of perfect harmony existing in and of itself, independent of all phenomena, yet permeating every aspect of sentient existence. Dhamma is the right natural order of things that forms the underlying basis for all existence, though it is not depen­dent on or conditioned by any form of existence. Ultimately, Dhamma is the sum of those transcendent qualities, such as detachment, loving kindness and wisdom, the spiritual perfection of which brings the mind into harmony with the Supreme Truth. By further extension, Dhamma encompasses the basic principles that are the essence of the Buddha’s Teaching, including the patterns of behavior that should be practiced so as to harmonize oneself with the right natural order of things.

法(Dhamma):无上真理;真理的根本原则;心灵最高的素质;佛陀的教导。首先,法的本性本质上圆满和谐地存在,与一切现象无关,但却存在于有情众生的一切层面。法是万物正确的自然秩序,存在于一切,但它不受任何存在所限制。最后,法包含所有无上的素质,例如 离执、慈爱和智慧,令心和谐的圆满修证。要再加以补充的是,法还包括佛陀教导的基本原则,包含个人与自然法则相应的修行。

{返回 阿罗汉向•阿罗汉果 The Path to Arahantship 文集}

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