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善巧方便感化魔军 Using Skillful Expedients to Transform Demon Armies
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Using Skillful Expedients to Transform Demon Armies



In cultivation, we should use the samadhi power of unmoving thusness to subdue the demon troops in the universe; we should use the wisdom of constant clarity and understanding to teach and transform them.


The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is a bright city in the universe. Its light frightens the demons so that their hair stands on end. When the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas was first established, it was a hair-raising experience for all the heavenly demons, unbelievers, and retinues of the demon kings in the universe, and they were very nervous. They thought of every possible way to create havoc in order to ruin the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Well, do the people at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas want to put up any opposition to them? No, we should just be more alert in our cultivation.


In cultivation, we should use the samadhi power of unmoving thusness to subdue the demon troops in the universe; we should use the wisdom of constant clarity and understanding to teach and transform them.


Of course, the demon troops may not listen to us, but we must employ various skillful and clever expedients to influence them, until they joyfully and sincerely submit, take refuge in the Triple Jewel, and bring forth great Bodhi resolves. This is the responsibility of every person at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.


At noon today, I already talked about how in the past, Weituo Bodhisattva and Qielan Bodhisattva used to look at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to see if it could really establish itself. Now that the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has already been set up with its basic organization in place, the Dharma-protecting Bodhisattvas, Weituo and Qielan, should not be lazy anymore. They cannot neglect their responsibilities and casually allow demons to do as they please.


In the past, Dharma-protecting Bodhisattva Weituo made a vow to guard and support the Way-places of Buddhism. Qielan Bodhisattva also made a deep, far-reaching vow to guard and support all Way-places. Therefore, they should not be lax now! They should vigorously guard the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas so that the demons cannot have their way.


Today is the American Independence Day, and we are also commemorating the establishment of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Everyone should abide by the rules and support the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. The Dharma-protecting gods should not just stand by and watch, either; they must bring forth a great resolve to support this Avatamsaka Way-place. The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the Avatamsaka state; it proclaims the great Avatamsaka Dharma to teach and transform all the troops of demons in the universe. In the past, the demon kings often came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to cause trouble, and they frequently transgressed the rules here. Starting today, we are going to firmly establish the regulations and laws, so that the Proper Dharma can flourish even more gloriously.



A talk given on the evening of July 4, 1982

at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

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