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念佛四十八法 30) 光中持名 Recitation in the Light of the Self-Mind
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30) 光中持名

Recitation in the Light of the Self-Mind

If [all] sounds are the sound of the Self-Mind, then [all] lights are also the light of the Self-Mind. If the sound of the Self-Mind exists anywhere, the light of the Self- M ind also shines from that place. If you rest in the sound of the Self-Mind to recite the Buddha’s name, you are resting in the light of the Self-Mind as you recite. This is also the supreme realm where the polluted, afflicted m ind has been eliminated. The practitioner should strive to cultivate this method.

声者心声也,光者亦心光也。心声旋绕之处,即心光焕发之处。安住于心声中而念 佛,即安住于光明中而念佛也,此亦胜境,能灭心垢,宜勤习之。

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