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55.老耆德林欢迎 Being received by the Elder Master Te Lin
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Being received by the Elder Master Te Lin

As the Master approached the gates of Hung Fu (Overflowing Blessings) Monastery, the Elder Master Te Lin saw him bowing along the snowy road. He went out to greet him and said, "Would the Venerable Master care to rest here in our monastery'?" He told a disciple to bring in the Master's bag. The Elder Master was impressed and treated his guest with deference. The Master bathed and changed clothes. After tea and food had been served, the Elder Master asked him, "From where did you come?" "Potala Mountain." said the Master.

The verse says:
The Elder Master Te Lin received the virtuous Bhikshu.
He welcomed and praised the Master Yun as a very important guest.
The Elder Master was greatly inspired and treated him with deference.
After refreshments, he politely asked, "Where is the Master going?"

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