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80.终南山大茅蓬 Staying in the large thatched hut on Chung Nan Mountain
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Staying in the large thatched hut on Chung Nan Mountain

Arriving at Wu T'ai Mountain, the Master visited Yin T'ung Tse (Silver) Cave of the Fifth Patriarch, and at Southern Wu T'ai called on the Venerable Dharma Masters Chiao Lang, Yeh K'ai, Fa Jen (Dharma Patience), T'i An (Peaceful Substance) and Fa Hsing (Dharma Nature), who were all living on the mountain in thatched huts. They invited the Master to join them. Dharma Master Fa Jen was living in the "Lion's Den." Dharma Master Yeh K'ai stayed at the Shuan Lung (Tying up Dragons) post and Dharma Master Fa Hsing was in the Hsiang Tse Cave. The Master lodged with Dharma Masters Chiao Lang and T'i An in a large thatched hut. One night he saw a comet streak across the sky.

The verse says:
The eminent bhikshus of the time were sequestered on Chung Nan Mountain.
Dharma Masters Chiao Lang and Yeh K'ai, as well as T'i An, were there,
With Dharma Masters Fa Jen and Fa Hsing-all five were superior men.
Master Yun came from afar to join this group of worthies.

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