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82.四川各名胜古刹 Visiting the famous sites and ancient shrines of Szechuan
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Visiting the famous sites and ancient shrines of Szechuan

In. 1889, when the master was forty-nine, he left Pao Kuang Monastery in the first month to begin his travels once again. He went to the provincial capital of Ch'eng Tu and made prostrations at Choa Chiao (Illuminated Awakening) Monastery, at the hall of Manjushri Bodhisattva  in Ts'ao T'ang Monastery, and in Ch'ing Yang (Young Sheep) Templ. He passed through Hua Yang and then turned south to the E Mei District. At the foot of Mt. E Mei, he visited Fu Hu (subduing tigers) Monastery and saw the Chiu Lao (Nine Elders) Cave, the place where Chao Kunk Ming had cultivated the Way. The Master strolled about during the day observing the panoramic scenery. This served to still his mind.

The verse says:
The famous majestic E Mei Mountain stand in Ch'eng Tu.
Where the Samanthabhadra Bodhisattva teaches both women and men.
The somber altar of the Black Tiger is swept by a cold awesome wind,
While the pure-white, six-tusked elephant transmits the Dharma rain.

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上一篇:83.峨嵋山朝金顶 Visiting the Chin Ting Peak of E Mei Mountain
下一篇:81.蜀道崎岖难行 Traversing the rugged roads of Szechuan
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