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83.峨嵋山朝金顶 Visiting the Chin Ting Peak of E Mei Mountain
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Visiting the Chin Ting Peak of E  Mei Mountain

The Master climbed the Chin Ting (Gold Peak) of E Mei Mountain. That evening after the offering up of incense, he went to see the "Buddha lights". The ten thousand lamps looked like heavenly stars all gathered together. No words can express the magnificence of this occurrence. The Master then called on the Venerable Master Ying Chen (True Response) at Pao Kuang Monastery and stayed for ten days. He then offered his respects at the Vairochana Hall on his way past Wan Nien (Ten Thousand Years) Monastery, descended from the mountain and arrived in Ya Chou (Elegant Country) and Lu Ting, from where it would take several days to reach the Szechuan border.

The verse says:
On the Chin Ting Peak of E Mei Mountain, he saw the Buddha's lights.
The dazzling brightness of the ten thousand lamps sent forth flashing rays.
The buddhadharma has no bounds; it is hard to conceive of;
But when there's a response from the Bodhisattvas, then things become easy.

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上一篇:84.大渡河铁索桥 Crossing over the iron-chain bridge spanning the Ta Tu He River
下一篇:82.四川各名胜古刹 Visiting the famous sites and ancient shrines of Szechuan
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