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84.大渡河铁索桥 Crossing over the iron-chain bridge spanning the Ta Tu He River
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Crossing over the iron-chain bridge spanning the Ta Tu He River

He crossed the Lu River in the fifth lunar month. At Ya An (elegant Peace), the Lu Ting Bridge spans the Ta Tu He (great crossing) River. It is constructed of iron chains and extends over three hundred feet in length. The bridge would sway and rock as the intrepid traveler cautiously made his way across. The master headed west, passing through Ta Chien Lu, Li T'ang and Pa T'ang. Then he went north to Ch'a Mu Tuo. Continuing west,  he passed through Shih Tu, A Lan Tuo, and La Li. The people were Han (Chinese), Tibetan, Mongolian, or of various tribes.

The verse says:
In the area of Li T'ang and Kung Ko are several high mountains.
It is the land of the lamas' generations of transmissions.
The many races mostly follow the teachings of these lamas.
As they cultivate their devotional practice.

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