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95.仁智法忍赤山 Meeting Jen Chih and Fa Jen of Chih Shan
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Meeting Jen Chih and Fa Jen of Ch'ih Shan

Having been " combed by the wind and bathed by the rain," the Master had truly embodied the ancient saying: " After reading the ten thousand books, one should walk ten thousand miles." In the year 1891, the master was fifty-one years old. At I Hisang (Pleasant Abundance), he bowed to the Venerable Master Jen Chih, who was then in the process of repairing Hsien Chin Monastery. This was the place where patriarch Mi Tsung had left the home life. The Master spent the summer there and then went to Chu Jung, where he bowed to the High Master Fa Jen and lent his aid in reparing the thatched huts of Ch'ih Shan. The Master spent the winter there.

The verse says:
The old man of Ch'ih Shan is Dharma Maser Fa Jen,
Who induces people to steep themselves in the Prajna of emptiness.
They diligently shoulder tile and stone and eradicate all filth;
Moving water and hauling mud is the work of forging one's nature.

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上一篇:96.助松岩修净成 Helping Sung Yen repair Ching Cheng Monastery
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