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98.荻港渡水遇难 Encountering difficulty while crossing the river at Ti Kang
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Encountering difficulty while crossing the river at Ti Kang

The following year, Dharma Master Ti Hsien (Examining the Barriers) came to spend the summer. The Master remained on the mountain studying sutras. When the Master was fifty-six, the monks learned that Abbot Yueh Lang (Clear Moon) of Kao Min Monastery in Yang Chou was going to convene a continuous twelve-week session of dhyana meditation. Preparing to leave, the group asked the Master to go first. After reaching Ti Kang at T'ung (Great Penetration), he had to cross the water, but had no money. The ferry left without him. As he walked along the river's edge, the Master suddenly lost his footing and fell into the rushing water, where he bobbed helplessly for a day and night.

The verse says:
The eminent Sanghans had studied together for a period of three years,
And the Venerable Abbot Yueh Lang invited the monks to investigate Ch'an.
But at Reed Harbor, the Master slipped, and drifted for a day and night.
Although he probably should have drowned, his life was not yet over.

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