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99.采石矶获网救 Being caught in a net at Tsai Shih Jetty
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Being caught in a net at Ts'ai Shih Jetty

The Master was carried by the waters to a place near the Ts'ai Chih Jetty where a fisherman snagged him with his net. The fisherman then summoned a bhikshu from Pao Chi Monastery, who immediately recognized the Master from when they had dwelt together on Chih (Red) Chan Mountain. He was startled and gasped, "It's the Dharma Master Te Ch'ing!" they carried him to the monastery and revived him. It was the twentieth day of the sixth lunar month. The Master was bleeding from the mouth, nose, anus, and penis. He stayed only a few days then left to resume his journey to Kao Min Monastery. When the Guest Perfect saw the Master's disheveled appearance, he asked "are you ill?" "No," replied the Master.

The verse says:
At the Nan Hua Temple, I heard in person the story as told above.
The Master himself in the dhyana hall related it to the assembly.
Ananda Jennings was there at that time from the U.S.A.
It was Elder Upasaka Yen who served as translator that day.

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上一篇:100.逆来顺受如如 Remaining thus, thus unmoving he accepts adversity
下一篇:98.荻港渡水遇难 Encountering difficulty while crossing the river at Ti Kang
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 155.夜受教日自新 Having received the teac..
 65.寻文吉月下拜香 Bowing along in the moon..
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 187.山蜂聚土匪来 Observing the bees swarm..
 136.王公宰官护法 Receiving protection for..
 139.洋人信佛供僧 Meeting a Westerner who ..
 90.天柱峰礼楞严塔 Bowing to the Shurangama..
 206.示现病相卧吉祥 Becoming ill and assumi..
 161.横逆相加囚缧绁 Being bound and incarce..
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